The Green family on behalf of (their dearly departed) Elizabeth Doris Green would like to thank first of all, Bethel’s first responders for their prompt response and executing their duties with professionalism in their valiant life-saving efforts for our loved one (Liz).
A big thank you to those who came to comfort us. The gospel singers those who brought food, took care of trash, the grave diggers and others that were involved in this time of our sorrow. We also appreciate Maya Morris for starting off the obituary, for Diane McEachern for jumping in to help Stanley Green finish the obituary at the last minute, Wilson Green for working on the casket and cross, Amy, Katie, Gertrude for getting Liz ready to get in her casket. We are also grateful to ONC Chief Antone Anvil, Ellimae Charles, and Sarah Walker for all the cooking to feed everyone.
The Greens also extend their deepest heartfelt thanks to the following agencies and individuals for their help in assisting with the final arrangements concluding Liz’ earthly life; The Anchorage M.E. office for keeping her safe and well in transport, YKHC for their facilities, Moravian Church and Andrew for officiating the ceremony. We also thank James Mute for transporting us to and from the hospital Not only did Liz leave her immediate family but also family up and down the Kuskokwim.
Those not individually mentioned are not forgotten, your blessings rest in our heart and you may rest in the knowledge that the blessings to you have multiplied.
Stanley Green on behalf of the Liz’s family and friends
Bethel, AK
ADF&G commends process of US District Court and USFWS
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game applauds two recent actions regarding the Endangered Species Act.
First, we applaud the U.S. District Court of Alaska decision to uphold the decision by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to not list Pacific walrus as a threatened species. We had worked closely with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to incorporate our science into their decision to not list this species because of long-term climate impacts. We remain confident that current management practices are robust enough to ensure for the long-term viability of Pacific walrus.
Second, we applaud the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s decision that the listing of yellow cedar is not warranted at this time. As with Pacific walrus, we worked closely with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to incorporate state science regarding the distribution and life history of this species on the landscape as well as our assessment of treats facing this species into their assessment. We are confident that yellow cedar will remain viable on the landscape for years to come.
Finally, we applaud the willingness of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to work with us towards ensuring that our science and assessments were incorporated into the decision assessment for these two decisions. Decisions related to the listing of species under the Endangered Species are best made in consultation with states who have trust responsibilities for these species and their habitats.
Alaska Dept. of Fish & Game
Juneau, AK