by Peter Twitchell
My friends have been urging me to get with it and get into internet. For a long time I ignored them. With the COVID-19 pandemic I’ve had a lot of time on my hands.
One day recently I thought why not check it out and see what the hoopla has been all about? I am old old school. Forty plus years ago when computers came about I neglected to get into the technology – I fought it – really did not want anything to do with computers and the internet.
Finally I gave in and told Ted Horner, “Alright, I’ll write my article for the Delta Discovery newspaper on the computer.” Up until that time I wrote all my articles by hand, rewriting my stories sometimes 2-3 times.
Finally when I got word and entered the computer age, although reluctantly, I began enjoying it tremendously. I learned I could cut and paste. Up until that time I’d been handwriting articles for decades.
Now I didn’t have to rewrite my articles, how convenient it was! Thanks Ted!
Lately I’ve been seriously entertaining the thought of exploring facebook. I did some of the initial stuff – making up a password to get into the world of facebook, for lack of a better word.
I’ve been exploring the footlands of facebook and it’s been rough. To tell you the truth – I’m lost in a technology that’s foreign. For me it’s like learning a foreign language. I don’t understand it, but it has been full of surprises.
I’ve been able to communicate with my long lost friends, like my old classmates and when I got in touch with them it has been very rewarding.
I even got to listen to Joe Joe’s podcasts. From Bethel, from the Mat-Su Valley – thank you Joe Joe. I’ve seen and heard koo-koo-kuayaqs, first time since leaving Bethel.