The 2022 fall Chum and Coho salmon runs are nearly complete in the lower river. Therefore, Federal protections for these species are no longer warranted. Restrictions to subsistence salmon fishing are being rescinded in Federal public waters, effective 12:01 am on October 1.
The Federal Subsistence Board closed Federal public waters of the Yukon River drainage to the harvest of Chinook, summer and fall Chum, and Coho salmon except by Federally qualified subsistence users, effective on June 1, 2022, through September 30, 2022, with specific Federal subsistence fishing schedules, openings, closures, and fishing methods to be determined by the Federal Fisheries Manager.
This Emergency Special Action rescinds Emergency Special Actions 2-FC 04-22 and 2-FC 05-22. Effective October 1, after which the Yukon River drainage reverts to ADF&G regulations.
This management action was taken in consultation with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G). ADF&G will maintain fishing closures in key spawning tributaries to protect spawning fall Chum Salmon, so fishermen are advised to follow ADF&G Advisory.