A green Toyota two-door truck is missing in Bethel.
Sometime between August 28, 2019 and September 29, 2019 a green two-door 1999 Toyota Tacoma SR4 4×4 was taken from the Bethel airport. It had been parked in the long-term parking area while the owner was away on travel.
The vehicle’s license number is DRK 487, DRK like in the word dark and 487 as in 48 hours 7 days a week. The license plate is white.
The Bethel Police Department is aware of the situation.
At the time the truck went missing it had a missing left rubber rear bumper, some rusting, and a dent on the right rear fender. A load of pallet wood was in the truck bed.
Please be on the lookout for it. If you have any information regarding this report, please contact the Bethel Police Department at 907-543-3781. The case number is 1913457.