Assistance to those impacted by 2022 September West Coast Storm (Typhoon Merbok) available. Individuals and families can apply for state disaster recovery grants beginning September 26.
Governor Mike Dunleavy declared the 2022 September West Coast Storm a disaster on September 17, 2022, in response to the remnants of Typhoon Merbok hitting over 1000 miles of coastline in Western Alaska. The Governor’s declaration activates the state’s Individual Assistance (IA) program which is designed to help individuals and families with damages and/or expenses related to the disaster event.
Residents of the Northwest Arctic Borough, Bering Strait Regional Education Attendance Area (REAA), Lower Yukon REAA, Lower Kuskokwim REAA, and the Kashunamiut REAA, are eligible to apply for State Individual Assistance.
Disaster survivors can register for the State Individual Assistance program by visiting the Alaska Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management webpage beginning on September 26, 2022 at Ready.Alaska.Gov. Telephone registration opens September 28, 2022 at 1-855-445-7131.
Online registration opens September 26, 2022 at www.Ready.Alaska.Gov and Disaster Assistance Hotline opens September 28,2022 at 1-844-445-7131.
Registration Deadline: November 17, 2022
The State of Alaska IA program has three parts; Temporary Housing grants; Housing Assistance grants; Other Needs Assistance grants.
Temporary Housing can provide funds to secure lodging while applicants pursue permanent housing solutions. Financial assistance may be available for up to 18 months for owners and three months for renters.
Housing Assistance grants can provide funds for damages to primary residences not covered by insurance. The residence must be owner-occupied at the time of the event. The IA program does not help with secondary homes, recreational properties or homes lived in fewer than six months a year. Damages must be serious and negatively impact the essential living spaces in the home, and damages must be from the declared event.
Other Needs Assistance can provide funds for losses to essential personal property not covered by insurance such as clothing, appliances and furniture. It may also reimburse for costs such as clean up and some storage expenses. This assistance may also help with disaster-caused medical/funeral expenses not covered by insurance.
Based on damages and eligibility, the maximum grant amount an applicant can receive through Housing Assistance is $18,950, and separately, an additional $18,950 for Other Needs Assistance. Temporary Housing is calculated separately based on family size and local rates of stay.
The State of Alaska is working with federal partners to identify programs that may become available to disaster survivors. If activated, federal disaster assistance must be pursued before a State IA award. More IA information can be found at