John S. Joseph, 55 Driving Under the Influence $1500, 3 Days, 1 Yr. Prob.
Lorraine Redfox, 44 Alcohol Beverages Transported By $300
Common Carrier
Andromeda Frederick, 33 Possession of Alcohol Beverage $250
In a Community Which Voted to
Prohibit Alcohol Possession
Ira Peter, 26 2nd Degree Burglary 3 Yrs. Prob.
Harvey A. Anvil, 61 Driving Under the Influence, Driving $10,000; 4 Mos.,
While License Cancelled/Revoked/ 5 Yrs. Prob.
Suspended, Avoid Interlock –
Ira Leroy Peter, 26 Violate Condition of Release 90 Days
Gilbert Lord Phillip, 37 Violate DV Protective Order, 4th 80 Days,
Degree Assault 2 Yrs. Prob.
Martha W. Nicolai, 54 Unlawful Contact Per Court Order 16 Days,
Probation violations
Nicholas Maxie, 32 Violated Conditions of Probation $100