State of Alaska District Court in Bethel July 23 – 26

James Sammy Jacob, 55 4th Degree Assault 180 Days, 3 Yrs. Prob.
Melvin Charlie Lincoln, 27 Reckless Driving 1 Yr. Prob.
Simeon Constantine, 49 3rd Degree Sexual Assault, Degree Assault 4th 2 Yrs.,3 Yrs. Prob.
Sherilyn Jackie M. Henry, 22 2nd Degree Harassment 1 Yr. Prob.
Winifred Olick, 44 4th Degree Assault 3 Yrs. Prob.
Michael Post, 22 Reckless Endangerment 1 Yr. Prob.
Thelma Henry, 22 Driving Under the Influence $1500, 3 Days, 1 Yr. Prob.
John Simeon Askoak, 32 4th Degree Assault 180 Days, 3 Yrs. Prob.
Derek Samuelson, 26 Driving Under the Influence, Violate Conditions of Probation, 2nd Degree Harassment $1500, 3 Days, 1 Yr. Prob., 5 Days
Tuyurkiaq Sigler, 22 4th Degree Assault 180 Days, 2 Yrs. Prob.
Johnny White Jr., 39 Reckless Endangerment 2 Yrs. Prob.
Vanessa Nicori, 34 Reckless Endangerment 1 Yr. Prob.
Derek Therchik, 28 4th Degree Assault 60 Days, 2 Yrs. Prob.
John T. Phillip, 35 Importing Alcohol – Dry Area $1500, 3 Days
Kenneth Dostert, 24 2nd Degree Theft 19 Mos., 4 Yrs. Prob.
Jerrold J. Simon, 27 4th Degree Assault $1000, 30 Days, 3 Days Prob.
Probation violations
Kenneth L. Dostert Jr., 23 Violated Conditions of Probation 138 Days
James Sammy Jacob, 55 Violated Conditions of Probation 1 Yr. Prob., 60 Days