Carl Harp, 30 2nd Degree Sexual Assault, 3rd 7 Yrs.,
Degree Assault, Unlawful Contact10 Yrs. Prob.
Kristopher Paul Gregory, 27 4th Degree Assault 60 Days
Vasily Jeremiah Nicolai, 26 4th Degree Assault 6 Mos., 3 Yrs. Prob.
Maggie James, 23 Disorderly Conduct $50
Steven Pitka, 22 Driving Under the Influence $1500, 3 Days, 1 Yr. Prob.
Robert F. K. Sallaffie, 45 Failure to Register as Sex Offender 120 Days, 1 Yr. Prob.
Jacob Steven Nick, 21 Reckless Endangerment 1 Yr. Prob.
Jacob Frederick, 23 Reckless Endangerment 1 Yr. Prob.
Edward W. Charles, 28 4th Degree Assault 140 Days
Probation violations
Randy Bell, 23 Violated Conditions of Probation
Nick Beebe, 34 Violated Conditions of Probation 9 Mos.
Chuck I. Parks, 33 Violated Conditions of Probation 100 Days
Olga Rose Alexie, 36 Violated Conditions of Probation