Francis Aparezuk, 35 4th Degree Assault 5 Mos.
Antone Pitka, 22 4th Degree Assault, 4th Degree Criminal Mischief, 1st Degree Criminal Trespassing, 1st Degree Harassment, 3rd Degree Theft, Violate Conditions of Release 25 Hrs. CWS, 3 Yrs. Prob., 60 Days
Peter Charles, 22 4th Degree Assault 105 Days, 2 Yrs. Prob.
Aleiah Roseann Agathluk, 27 4th Degree Assault, Reckless Endangerment 3 Yrs. Prob. 15 Days
Dominic Charles, 56 4th Degree Assault 3 Yrs. Prob.
Brenda Mae Thompson, 29 3rd Degree Theft, Violated Conditions of Release 3 Yrs. Prob.
Roy T. Nick, 34 Resist/Interfere with Arrest 3 Mos., 3 Yrs. Prob.
Olaf Nels Robert Hopstad, 28 3rd Degree Assault, Violated Conditions of Release 3 Yrs. Prob.
Jacob Allen Beans, 31 4th Degree Assault 60 Days, 3 Yrs. Prob.
Kelse C. Leopold, 23 4th Degree Misconduct Involving Weapons 30 Days, 3 Yrs. Prob.
Schouviller V. Wassilie, 55 2nd Degree Misconduct Involving Weapons 1 Yr., 5 Yrs. Prob.
Jacob Allen Beans, 31 Violate DV Protective Order, 4th Degree Assault 60 Days, 3 Yrs. Prob.
Probation violations
Brenda Thompson, 29 Violated Conditions of Probation 40 Days