by Peter Twitchell
This coming spring, God willing, one of the Elders wants to take me out to see how they hunt on Prince William Sound! I will see them butcher a seal, get the blubber off the skin, and make seal oil out of it.
He said, “It takes a lot of work to get a jar of seal oil.”
He continued, “This takes having the guns, a boat and trailer, and a truck for the boat. And you pay gas just to get a seal.”
An investment that could exceed $10,000.00 dollars.
He told me, “Even with these costs, I share the blessings from our Lord Jesus Christ, without demanding any cash payments. Pass it on.”
So I’ve made this my article this week. Our Ancestors – Yupiaqs, for generations have shared their catches from the land and sea, it was what they did naturally, and they worked hard in difficult times and shared their bounty of wild animals and fish they harvested from the land and sea without detailed account of what it took to share with others.
In these modern times we all know what it costs us in money to build a boat, purchase an outboard motor, a shotgun, a rifle, and ammunitions, and pay for a hundred ten gallons of expensive gas for our trucks to pull a boat trailer with a boat, be it a Yukon Raider, aluminun boat or wooden skiff, filled with a camp stove, lantern, tent, raingear, tarps, oars, life jackets, warm clothing and hip boots.
Let’s throw in an expensive phone and emergency communication devices like the Search and Rescue teams use in case of emergency!
Don’t forget the coffee and expensive binoculars to locate and see game.
Seal hunting, birding, moose, caribou hunting is expensive and we all have done it all of our lives. We never stayed home as hunters and we all have spent tens of thousands of dollars.