Rose Ann (Nuyiralria) Kanrilak was born to Cecelia and Albert Atchak on July 9, 1952 at Paimute. She was the 3rd of 10 brothers and sisters. Rose married Alexie Kanrilak on Nov. 28, 1975. They have been married for 40 years. Rose was born into Eternal Life on Oct. 10, 2017.
Rose was known by many people of all ages as “Ala Rose”. Ala Rose had a heart full of love and compassion for everyone. She accepted people as they are and helped them with prayer and any way she can. She especially comforted mothers who have lost their own children.
She always reminded us that “God sees the hearts of people who are in despair, so she was a willing channel to give God’s love and care, comfort to them.
No matter what the situation is, Rose’s trust in God was always expressed by saying: Agayun Caprituq – “God is all powerful and Almighty – Nothing is impossible for God – and Nothing is too hard for God”. She learned to put “Jesus First” in all situations. Rose also loved to say the Rosary with her family.
Ala Rose lived life to the fullest, she never ran out of energy.
She was a health aide and health practitioner for close to 35 years. She enjoyed skin sewing, making Eskimo Dolls, yarn work, and beading.
Ala Rose fished with excitement during winter and also halibut fishing. She also gathered driftwood with Alexie and Micah. Rose gathered wild berries and tundra food and greens until the season was over.
She enjoyed being outdoors with her family – camping and taking trips by boat and sno-go as often as she can.
Ala Rose was always grateful to all who shared their catches. She would take care of them right away. Thank you to all who gave her gifts of tundra food.
Nuyiralria, Ala Rose temporally leaves her immediate family – Alexie, husband of close to 41 years, sons – Bryson and Micah, and her jewel – her baby Serena. Her brother and sisters. Teresa with David Ulroan, Peter Atchak and family, Cathy with Norman Joe, Stan Atchak with Betty, John Atchak with Doris, Raymond Atchak with Alice, Roy Atchak, Earl Atchak with Lisa, Mable with Richard Pequeno, Deborah Aguchak with Morris Aguchak. She leaves behind her 4 beloved grandchildren – Kaylee and Liliauna and Ole and Sarisha.
Rose now joins in joy in Eternal Life Atsa Kanrilak who went before her on Feb. 11, 2010.
We all will see you someday. This is a temporary farewell. We love you!