Road construction appreciation

by Peter Twitchell

It has been a busy summer in the Matanuska Valley with millions of dollars pouring into our state to make our highways safer for traffic.

I have seen since coming to retire in this part of Alaska highway improvements on the Glenn Highway and Wasilla are being made. It is gratifying to see native young people, men and women, and other local residents doing what they’re told to do to improve road conditions.

I’ve witnessed men and women all summer, day and night working their shifts.

When I first moved to the Matanuska Valley June 2nd, 2019, paved roads were single and going north and south and east and west, reports of accidents were numerous in 2024.

I can see the Glenn Highway with two lanes going into Anchorage and two lanes coming in to Wasilla – Palmer and beyond.

Thank you to the people and local people who have advocated for safer roads – going north and south and east and west. Thank you to local and state governments and the Department of Transportation and to the people who make it possible to fund road improvement projects. We the residents of the State of Alaska are grateful and forever in your debt.

Thank you to everyone who have made our highways safer for everyone, from the young lady or young man who holds the “slow down” and “stop” signs all day and night all through the road construction season!

To the experts in the field who operate the heavy equipment and haul gravel and dirt day and night! These people are amazing who work long hours rain or shine – thank you!