Every ten years the Legislative districts in Alaska are redrawn. The new lines are based on population changes that come from the census count. At present, there are six plans under consideration by the Redistricting Board with a final plan due November 10.
While the four western Alaska districts look relatively intact, the big fight (as always) will be in Anchorage and Fairbanks, where the new districts will play a big role in shaping the Legislature for the next 10 years.
That’s why it’s critical for Alaskans to weigh in and let the Redistricting Board know that they expect the process to result in fairly drawn districts that represent the diverse interests and perspectives of all Alaskans.
Over the next several weeks, the Redistricting Board will be holding a series of public hearings around the state. For our district, those will be in Dillingham on Thursday, Oct. 21, from noon – 2:00pm at the City Chambers and in Unalaska on Friday, Oct. 22, from 4:00 – 6:00pm at the Grand Aleutian.
In addition to the Open House/Town Hall format public hearings, the Alaska Redistricting Board will also be hosting two statewide call-ins to hear public testimony. These will take place from 10:0am – 4:00 pm on Wednesday, October 20 and Saturday, October 30. You can call in to these hearings at 844-586-9085.
These hearings will be an opportunity for Alaskans to review the proposed redistricting plans, discuss the plans with board members, and provide public comments. You can find the complete schedule of upcoming public hearings here.
What Happens Next?
The Redistricting Board has to submit their final plan by Wednesday, November 10. With so much at stake, it’s virtually guaranteed that whatever plan is put forward by the Board will get challenged in court. That’s why it’s critical for Alaskans from around the state to have their voices on the record. Please join me in urging the Board to adopt a plan that redraws our legislative districts in a way that represents all Alaskans fairly.
Representative Edgmon
Juneau, AK