Cocaine is again prominent in the world of drugs and steadily becoming more available. Finding pure Cocaine is next to impossible so dealers have been cutting drugs by adding Fentanyl to expand their supply and increase their profit. Fentanyl laced Cocaine can lead to a deadly cocktail. It is important to know what to look for if you suspect a loved one is using Cocaine that may be laced with Fentanyl.
If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, reach out for help. Narconon helps people all over the US find treatment to end the web that traps those in addiction.
To learn what to look for visit: https://www.narcononnewliferetreat.org/blog/cocaine-cut-with-fentanyl.html
Narconon can help you take steps to overcome addiction in your family. Call today for free screenings or referrals. 1- 800-431-1754.
Narconon New Life Retreat
Denham Springs, LA
College of Indigenous Studies seeks artist for logo design
The University of Alaska Fairbanks College of Indigenous Studies is seeking an artist to design a logo for the college.
Artists interested in working with the college on the design project should submit portfolios and resumes using the online submission form. The deadline for applications is July 8, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. The projected date for completion of the logo is Aug. 30, 2024.
Visit the College of Indigenous Studies website for more information about the college and its campuses, departments and programs. Additional parameters for the logo project are available on the submission form.
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fairbanks, AK
Child Care and Head Start legislation
This legislative session, the legislature approved ground-breaking policy shift in favor of stabilizing the child care sector and providing some predictability and support for the working families that depend on reliable, affordable, quality, and accessible child care.
In response and in a spirit of thanks, the Alaska Early Childhood Advocacy Group (AECAG) and the team at Credit Union 1 have put together a video thanking the Legislature and Governor that discusses the legislation and also provides two parent voices that talk about the importance of child care and early education. The video can be watched or shared from YouTube or our Facebook event at the below links.
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/yJyQmuZ–m4?si=6mwy2Oev-ij4CF53
Facebook link: https://fb.watch/sxEzKXJBNA/
Thank you.
Alaska Childrens Trust
Anchorage, AK