by Nick P. Andrew, Jr.
The Native Village of Marshall is one of approximately 75 communities statewide totally without law enforcement reliant on the Alaska State Troopers for public safety.
Marshall is located in the Kusilvak Census Area, statistically our region has the highest reported rates of violent crime including interpersonal violence, domestic violence, child abuse/neglect, elder abuse, gun violence, homicide, suicide, sexual assault, bootlegging, illegal drug trafficking, and alcohol-related disorder.
Marshall’s small population entitles the village to low revenue sharing funding insufficient to fund an adequate village public safety program for our community. The tribe’s tribal justice system is in the planning stages and the AVCP, Inc. VPSO Program has remained silent amidst this crisis.
We are in a state of emergency and are requesting Governor Bill Walker’s intervention to consider reinstating the Constable Program and place officers in segments of Alaska where they are needed.
It is in our best interests to advocate not only for our village but other communities totally without law enforcement. The Native Village of Marshall governing body has sent resolutions to Governor Bill Walker, Senator Lyman Hoffman, and Representative Tiffany Zulkosky to take the needed action for the continued health, safety, and welfare for our community and other villages totally without law enforcement.
Nick P. Andrew, Jr. is the Tribal Administrator for the Native Village of Marshall/Marshall Traditional Council. This was released on March 9th, 2018.