Quyana for your help during our loss

The family of Alexie Kanrilak, would like to extend our deepest gratitude from the bottom of our hearts to everyone that helped us out during the loss of our beloved Rose Ann Kanrilak.

First and foremost, we are forever grateful to the 1st Responders here in Chevak, the Chevak Public Safety, Float Health Aide and Panita Matchian, who volunteered her time. The Pilot that flew the Paramedics out to Chevak, quyana to the paremedics and all the Doctors and Nurses at ANMC. We acknowledge everyone that stayed with us at hospital, quyana cakneq for your support. Your support helped us more than you ever imagined.

Her beautiful coffin was made by Lance Fermoyle, Adam Hill, Kirby Tangiegak, Travis Paniyak, Sam Mann and Helen Tommy. The cross was made by Norman and Leo Pingayak, Clifford Paniyak and Tommy Umugak. Quyana to the ladies that helped prepare the house, Stella Lake, Cora Charles, Charlene Joe, Cecelia Atchak, and Mary Jones. Quyana to Laura Atcherian, Susie Friday-Tall, Dottie Chayalkun and Stella Lake for greeting Ala Rose at her home. Quyana to Our Cache for donating for the household goods. Forever grateful for the Gravediggers who are, Lee Joe, Eddie Night, Timothy I. Matchian, Jay Bell Jr., Curtis Paniyak, Isaac Atchak and Ula Ulric Ulroan.

For all that donated to the Funeral Home, quyana cakneq to City of Chevak, Chevak Traditional Council, Chevak Company Corporation, CVRF, Calista Corporation. Quyana to those of you that helped us with RAVN Points and Alaska Airlines miles to bring our family together, John R Stone, Veronica Ulroan, Emanuella Friday, Peter Tuluk, and to Alaska Airlines for donating miles and RAVN for waiving fees.

The Go Fund Me page on Facebook helped us out with the Funeral Home, plane fares, flowers and expenses, quyana to: Teddy Atchak, Kathleen Stanton, Martha Flores, Mareo Kendrick, Cheryl Smart, Bruce Morrill, Sue Unin, Clifford Paniyak, Jessica Major, Serita Unin, Jean and Mark Tennant, Andrea, Kathie Gillet, Casey Ferguson, Rebecca Nayamin, Esther Friday, Lorita Clough, Charlene Tuluk, Amber Gauthier, Jason and Dee Slats, Nelson Simon, Albina Joe, Chester Mark and Irene Active.

Quyana to those of you that transferred or deposited to our AK USA account, you all helped us with the Funeral Home, plane fares, flowers and expenses. Quyana to: Lynette and Kaitlyn Pequeno, Jonita Kim, Richard Pequeno, Mark Agimuk, Virginia E. Slats, Desiree Kamuyu, Johanna Boyscout, Gregory Aloralrea, Rudi Joseph, Emanuella Friday, Martha and Jonathan Geter, Paul Nukusuk, Jolene Nukusuk, Christi Pleasant, Dara Friday, Clara Tunuchuk, Amira Martz, Nelson A. Simon, Marilee Tuluk, Cheyenne Peter, Katherine Brower and Casey Ferguson.

Quyana to the people that donated for the raffle. Shoes and boots were donated by Deanna Smart, Mabel and Kendra Pequeno, Ninja Turtle hat-Jonita Kim, Capri leggings-Alvina Imgalrea, Long sleeve shirt-Louise Stone, qaspeq apron-Mabel Pequeno, modern day qaspeq-Auna Naneng, Rose’s Own Creation-Rose Nunn, headdress- Cody Pequeno, Fish skin doll- Mabel Pequeno and 34 earrings made by Miranda Friday.

Quyana cakneq to the ones that bought raffle tickets, Norma Tunutmoak, Agatha Ulroan, Emanuella Friday, Colleen Fermoyle, Blaise and Marcella Atcherian, Skye Chayalkun, Ajey Moses, Esther Friday, Dimitri Friday, Clarissa Tall, Rayann Seton, Pauline Miles, Jolene Nash, Cecelia Atchak, Monica Friday, Amber Gauthier, Deborah Aguchuk, Cecelia Andrews, Mary T Matchian, Flora Ayuluk, Dottie and Frank Chayalkun, Veronica Ulroan, Eunice Ann Turner, Charlene Tuluk, Ciara Chayalkun, Josephine John, Dayna Nash, Raymond Atchak, Charlotte Kanrilak, Cathy Joe, Doreen Matchian, Denise Tangiegak and Chester Bukowski.

Quyana to every one of you that prayed and stayed with us during our loss, your prayers kept us strong and your presence kept us going. Quyana cakneq to everyone that brought us food, sang songs, and those that stayed the night at the house. Please forgive us if we forgot any of you, as it was not intentional. We leave you all with a bible verse and pray that our Almighty Father will bless each and everyone of you abundantly.

Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.


Alexie, Serena, Micah and Bryson Kanrilak
Chevak, AK

Congressional “Shush” Fund Needs Exposure

In this country, you are innocent until proven guilty.

At the same time, as Lord Acton noted, power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

With the recent announcement of Matt Lauer joining the ever expanding ranks of powerful people in Hollywood, Congress and other arenas being accused of sexual predation and intimidation of women, we are reminded that nothing is new under the sun. What has been done will be done again.

Paul told the people of Corinth that he was “afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.”

The iniquities of each of us have separated us from God. Our only hope is in Christ who became sin on our behalf.

Romans tells us however that God created Government as a restraining influence to lift up that which is good and to punish evil. Regarding this issue with our elected officials in Washington, DC, it looks as though a separate fund was created to protect those being accused of sexual harassment or other discriminatory practices. Certainly, because of our sin nature, there will be those playing the victim part for malicious reasons. Ask Justice Thomas about that.

However, if we the taxpayers, according to a story broken by Laura Ingraham, have been paying for a Congressional “shush” fund, it’s time for the hammer to fall. The Congressional Accountability Act of 1995, was passed by the Senate (98-1) and by the House of Representatives voted (390-0). Senator Lisa Murkowski and Congressman Don Young both voted for it.

Did those 488 elected officials who voted for the bill know that it provided “shush” funds to silence accusers? We don’t know.

What we do know is that over $15 million in taxpayer funds have been paid to settle the claims and that it is now well past time to shine a bright light and provide clarity so that voters can make informed decisions.

Nobody is above the law – including those who make them.

Standing for families…in His name.

Jim Minnery – President
Alaska Family Action
Anchorage, AK

Local Students Given Opportunity to Study Abroad

Qualified high school students are offered a unique opportunity to spend an academic year, semester or summer holiday in Europe, Asia, North or South America, Australia or South Africa as part of the ASSE International Student Exchange Program.

Students, 15 to 18 years old, qualify on the basis of academic performance, character references and a genuine desire to experience life abroad with a volunteer host family.

Families abroad are carefully screened to provide a caring environment in which students can learn the language and culture of their host country. Students do not need to know the language of the host country prior to departure but will acquire the language skills through experiencing the day to day culture of their host country. ASSE students attend regular high school classes along with their new teenage friends.

ASSE is dedicated to promoting closer ties of friendship between the United States and other countries by fostering intercultural understanding through youth exchange programs.

ASSE also provides international opportunities for families to host students from Spain, Mexico, Germany, Great Britain, France, Brazil, Thailand, Japan, and many more. These carefully screened and selected students are 15 to 18 years old and will attend the local American high school for an academic year.

Students or families interested in learning more about becoming an ASSE exchange student or host family should contact us at 1-800-733-2773 or visit our website at asse.com, host.asse.com or email us [email protected].

Cindy Keeney

ASSE Western Regional Office

An Open Letter to the Hundreds of Millions of Americans Who Have Worked for, Volunteered for, Donated to, or Benefited from the Work of a Charitable Nonprofit: i.e., every living person in the USA

Our tax system is a mess, we all know, so real reform would be welcome. But not like this. Congress could have opted to move the tax code in the direction of fairness. Instead, they have favored corporations and the wealthy. Congress could have acted to strengthen our communities. Instead, they are proposing to cut revenues that will lead to massive spending cuts at the federal, state, local, and nonprofit levels due to automatic cuts through sequestration.

The National Council of Nonprofits calls on you to protect the well-being of current and future generations by being America’s conscience; take three minutes as soon as you finish reading this plea to pick up the phone and call your Senators (202-224-3121) to tell them to vote NO on the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” bill and start over.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act changes personal exemptions and the standard deduction in a way that effectively denies 95 percent of taxpayers any tax incentive for giving back to their communities. The amount to which tax incentives drive donations can be disputed, but surely it will cut revenues some. Indeed, economists at the Tax Policy Center at the Urban Institute report that the tax change would reduce giving by $13 billion to $20 billion every year. The same group estimates that changes in the estate tax will reduce giving to charitable purposes by another $4 billion.

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will also add an estimated $1.5 trillion to the federal deficit over 10 years. We all know that rising deficit levels can and will be used to justify further program cuts, with real-world consequences. For every meal cut, shelter closed, or arts program eliminated as a result of spending cuts made in the name of deficit reduction, the tax bill would add to the unfunded mandates on charitable nonprofits and foundations to fill in the gaps. Congress will be imposing long-term suffering on our communities to secure what can, at best, be seen as short-term political gain.

The House tax bill, which passed, contains a particularly self-serving provision for politicians, a provision that would rip away the longstanding protection that all 501(c)(3) organizations—charitable nonprofits, houses of worship, and private foundations—have had from demands by candidates for public office and their political operatives to drag us into the toxic political wasteland, diverting us from our proper missions. The Senate bill does not, yet, but as the New York Times noted earlier this week, it may get slipped into the Senate version as well. The overwhelming majority of nonprofits, including religious organizations, vigorously oppose this change. If a bill that rolled back the Johnson Amendment became law, nonprofits could be pressured to endorse politicians and therefore become explicitly partisan and cast public doubt on the motives of our entire sector. We must not let this happen. This is a most radical change in the law, such that any bill should be defeated because of this fatal flaw alone.

In our work, we seek to serve people and forge stronger community bonds every day. That’s why it is so baffling and sad, frankly, to see Congress debate measures that could harm our ability to strengthen lives, build communities, expand job opportunities, and promote solutions. Both versions of the tax reform bills put politicians’ concern for passing something—anything—ahead of the best interests of the American people. It’s time for every Senator to slow down and consider the massive damage they are about to do. We all need to urge them to Vote No on this bill, and start over with legislation that prioritizes people over partisanship and communities over corporations.

Tim Delaney, President and CEO
National Council of Nonprofits


Scam artists set up fake websites offering anything you could want to buy as gifts around the holidays, at prices that are too-good-to-be-true. And guess what? They are! You’ll never receive the gift you thought you bought, and the scammers could turn around and use your credit card information for their own purchases. Stick to well-known shopping sites, and always type in the web address, rather than clicking from a link to the retailer. Be a fraud fighter!  If you can spot a scam, you can stop a scam.  Report scams to local law enforcement and contact the AARP Fraud Watch Network at www.aarp.org/fraudwatchnetwork for more information on fraud prevention.

Ann Secrest, Director of Communications

AARP Alaska