by Calista Staff
The Calista (cha-LIS-tah) Corporation 46th Annual Meeting of Shareholders scheduled for July 3, 2020, has changed from in-person to virtual Annual Meeting, due to COVID-19. Proxy voting will continue as normal this year, except ballots cannot be cast “in-person” during the meeting.
“Participation in this year’s annual meeting through online voting is more important than ever due to social distancing guidelines,” said Calista Corp. Board Chair Robert Beans. “This option allows you to exercise your right as a Shareholder while keeping our Elders and Youth safe from the spread of this disease.”
Door prizes meant for the in-person Annual Meeting are reallocated to the voting Proxy Prizes. Proxy voting prizes are increasing from $52,000 to $63,000. A $1,000 prize is added to the Online Early Bird deadline and two $5,000 prizes are added to the Regular Early Bird deadline.
Eligible voting Shareholders who vote early have more chances to win! Calista Shareholder Voting Proxy Prize Deadlines are (all times in Alaska Daylight Time):
June 5 at 5pm: Online Early Bird deadline for valid online proxies. Top prize is $10,000, and these proxy votes automatically qualify for all remaining drawings.
June 15 at 5pm: Early Bird deadline for valid paper or online proxies. Top prize is $10,000. Valid paper proxies qualify for the final drawing, while valid online proxy votes qualify for all remaining drawings.
June 29 at 5pm: Online Regular deadline for valid online proxies. Top prize is $5,000, and all online votes cast automatically qualify for the final drawing.
June 29 at 5pm: Regular Proxy Prize deadline for valid paper or online proxies. Top prize is $2,500.
2020 Annual Meeting materials and further instructions for proxy voting will be distributed on May 22. Individual voting PINs are included on the back page of the Proxy Voting forms, addressed to each individual eligible voting Shareholder. Shareholders who opted for electronic Annual Meeting materials will receive their PIN in an email, also scheduled for May 22.
All proxy votes and ballots are received, verified, and counted by the independent Inspector of Elections. All proxy prize winners are randomly drawn by the Inspector of Elections. The Inspector of Elections for 2020 is Sramek-Hightower, a certified public accounting firm with offices in Anchorage.
Proxy prizes are only awarded if enough Shareholders vote and quorum is reached. This makes the Annual Meeting valid.
Voting PINs also provide access to the virtual Annual Meeting. Shareholders are encouraged keep their PIN confidential, and also save or take a picture of their individual PIN so they can join the July 3 meeting. Updates and details will be posted at www.CalistaCorp.com/AnnualMeeting.