This afternoon, on the eve of Cama-i’s opening festival, reaching out from Berkeley, CA, I renew my sincere enthusiasm for Alaska—especially for the Cama-i Dance Festival. Gazing on line at the listing by the Bethel Council on the Arts with this year’s engaging Artwork and scheduled dancers is fantastic! I can feel a strength igniting in Bethel once again (and again and again to the future) for what will come to life as the flame is bright with hope.
Memories arise for me from my experiences as a dancer- in- residence, touring into many regions and schools: 1979 (my third residency in the state). Remembering a sincere conversation with the then superintendent of schools in the region (not Bethel). My strong feeling was expressed in that conversation regarding traditional way of life — at that time, there was little native dance activity in the school or native traditions shared by elders such as beading, skin sewing, or storytelling other than perhaps an Easter or Christmas in the school. (Each school was of course unique in its activities then –in 1979!)
Urging that superintendent to consider inviting elders into the school, during school time to teach and celebrate the village’s traditional ways of life through dance etc. I remember well urging him to consider the rich traditions which could be shared with youth. Regretfully, at that time, it was not regarded with enthusiasm as he said, “Those activities belonged only in museums…”
Since then, watching the schools change their ways over these many years, celebrating, teaching and passing on the gifts of a tradition — gives me pause today for my love and regard for Dance as a celebration of human culture around the globe, never to be silenced again.
May I express my admiration for Bethel Council on the Arts and its dedication to produce each year’s festival and all the groups bringing their wealth of perseverance to practice, and to prepare for the performances with an enthusiasm to share!… How wonderful to have been a part to help bring dance to the youth, who now are the adults and soon to be elders in your thriving traditions. Good Luck! and Quyana for sharing with me as you have in reciprocity that stands strong as a gift. Sending love…
Patricia Bulitt, Berkeley, CA, Dancer/ Artist
Project Director for “Their Eyes Have Seen The Old Dances:” Honoring Elder Hooper Bay Dancers and Drummers (1981-2001)
Please support HR 312
Dear Honorable Congressman Young;
Waqaa! On behalf of Akiak Native Community, we would like to thank you for co-sponsoring this urgent legislation – Mashpee Wampanaog Reaffirmation Act (currently HR. 312, formerly HR. 5244). We wrote to Congress last year, and want to express our continued support of the Tribe ‘s legislative efforts. We respectfully request that you support and speak on behalf of HR. 312 to garner further support in Congress for this bill.
This emergency legislation was to prevent this Tribe from losing its’ reservation and addressing the significant damage that has been done to the Tribes by commercial casino companies that have attacked the status of the Tribe’s reservation for no other reason than their own financial gain. The Tribe has had to lay off workers and cut programs – and more layoffs and cuts are coming if the reservation cannot be saved quickly. This is a moral issue for the United States. Indian Country is watching and wants to know if the United States will honor its word to this Tribe and protect its reservation.
The Tribe and the bill are also strongly supported by the local governments nearest to the Tribes’ Reservation, the Town of Mashpee and the City of Taunton.
We urge you to vote in favor of HR. 312 and voice your strong support on behalf of our State. Quyana cakneq for your efforts.
Ivan M. Ivan, Akiak Native Community
Regular heavy alcohol consumption can up your risk of developing several different kinds of cancer, including throat, liver, breast and colon cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute, “the risk of developing cancer increases with the amount of alcohol a person drinks.”
Gilbert Keywehak, Mt. Pleasant, MI
Hit a Pothole? Look for These Warning Signs
Conduct a Thorough Vehicle Inspection in National Car Care Month in April.
Hitting a pothole can adversely affect a vehicle’s handling and performance. It can be difficult to know if and to what extent your car has been damaged, so the Car Care Council urges motorists to watch for three warning signs to help determine if hitting a pothole has damaged their vehicle.
1. Loss of control, swaying when making routine turns, bottoming out on city streets or bouncing excessively on rough roads are indicators that the steering and suspension may have been damaged. The steering and suspension are key safety-related systems. Together, they largely determine a vehicle’s ride and handling.
2. Pulling in one direction, instead of maintaining a straight path, and uneven tire wear, are symptoms of an alignment problem. Proper wheel alignment is important for the lifespan of tires and helps ensure safe handling.
3. Low tire pressure, bulges or blisters on the sidewalls, or dents in the wheel rim will be visible and should be checked out as soon as possible, as tires are the critical connection between the vehicle and the road.
Because hitting a pothole with your car can do a real number on tires, wheels, steering and suspension, and alignment, it is a good idea to describe the symptoms to a professional technician who can then check out the vehicle and make the necessary repairs to ensure safety and reliability.
Rich White, Executive Director, Car Care Council, Bethesda, MD