The Orutsararmiut Native Council (ONC) passed a resolution requesting the Calista Corporation insert a ballot question regarding support or opposition of any further development of the Donlin Mine by way of an advisory vote of Calista shareholders during the 2020 Calista Corporation annual meeting.
ONC adopted Resolution No. 19-10-36 on October 30th, 2019 by unanimous vote. The resolution was certified by ONC Chairman Henry Hunter Sr. and Co-Chair Connie Sankwich.
Below is the resolution:
WHEREAS, the Orutsararmiut Traditional Native Council (ONC) is the federally recognized Tribal Governing body for the Native Village of Bethel, and
WHEREAS, ONC and the Native Village of Bethel are within the Calista Corporation region representing Unit 9, and
WHEREAS, ONC’s mission is to “promote the general welfare, enhance independence, encourage self-sufficiency/self-motivation, enhance quality of life, and preserve cultural and traditional values of the Tribe, and to exercise tribal authority over resources through educational, economic, and social development opportunities”, and
WHEREAS, ONC is requesting Calista Corporation insert a ballot question regarding any support or opposition of any further development of the Donlin Creek Mine project and any operational permits being considered on the state and federal levels that will advance the project any further by way of an Advisory Vote by the Shareholders of Calista Corporation during the Annual Meeting scheduled for June 2020, and
WHEREAS, considering the withdrawal of support and new opposition from the Association of Village Council Presidents delegation by way of two (2) official Resolutions during the recent Annual Conference held in September 2019 in Bethel, and
WHEREAS, controversial projects and issues like the Donlin Mine should be addressed utilizing an open and transparent process that allows the Shareholders of Calista Corporation to have a voice via an advisory vote, and
WHEREAS, Indigenous Natives and residents of the Yukon-Kuskokwim have used the lands, which will continue to be used by future generations, in and around the proposed Donlin Creek Mine to sustain our hunting, fishing, and gathering subsistence lifestyles long after the mine is closed; and
WHEREAS, if this mine is developed there is a strong likelihood that there will be an impact on the water and air quality, fish, wildlife resources and spawning grounds, and health of residents and subsistence hunters living or using the land adjacent to these mining activities; and
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, ONC requests that Calista Corporation insert the ballot question regarding support or opposition of the Donlin Creek Mine and any permits being considered on the Federal and State levels for an Advisory Vote to get accurate quantitative data of the wishes of the Calista Region and the Shareholders that they serve.