by Greg Lincoln
Our delta youth made us proud this past weekend at the Native Youth Olympics state championship in Anchorage. You could see it in how they went about their day at the games – always focused, respectful, and celebrating each victory for their teammates and others with support and encouragement. They were outstanding cultural ambassadors.
Congratulations to Newtok’s Isaiah Charles – LKSD’s 1 and 2-Foot High Kicker for being named the Individual Sportsmanship Award winner for the boys, what a great honor.
Great job to the Lower Yukon School District for winning the Best Team Banner Award and we cheer for Dillingham who was named the recipient of the Gloria Walker Team Sportsmanship Award.
The Alaska Airlines Center was filled with over 600 athletes from all over Alaska along with their coaches, and many family members and loved ones. Quyana to the Cook Inlet Tribal Council for hosting the games again. It is a spring highlight that we enjoy covering!
On Thursday night, beloved NYO head official and former 2-Foot High Kick record holder Nicole Johnston originally of Nome was inducted into the Alaska Sports Hall of Fame. She has won more than 100 career medals and she now stands in the Hall of Fame alongside NYO, which was inducted last year. Congratulations Nicole!
If you can go online, please be sure to check out our videos and photos from NYO, quyana!
Here are the 2017 Results & Awards for the Senior NYO Games
THURSDAY, April 27
1 Kaye Gumera, Unalaska, 51 ½”
2 Arianna Smith, Bethel, 46 ¼”
3 Julianne Wilson, Kenaitze, 45 ½”
4 Kimberly Clark, Nome, 45 ¼”
5 Regan Hoblet, False Pass, 43 ¾”
1 Wilton Charles, LKSD, 64 ¼”
2 Orlin Gologergen, Mount Edgecumbe, 61 ¼”
3 Daniel Peter, Unalaska, 59”
4 Tim Meyer, Mat-Su, A 56 ¼”
5 Edward Nick, Jr., SWRS, 56”
1 Mia Weiss | Jake Smith & Russell Carlson-Zivica, Mat-Su A, 463’ 4 ½”
2 Kaye Gumera | Trey Henning & Trevor Wilson, Unalaska, 410’ 8 ½”
3 Lorraine Gregory | Roger Willoya & Brandon Asicksik, Anch A, 348’ 7 ¼”
4 Jenni Klebesadel | Jake Smith & Russell Carlso-Zivica, Mat-Su B, 336’ 4 ¼”
5 Patricia Washington | Maya Iyatunguk & Kenneth Stevenson, BSSD A, 246’ 2 ¼”
1 Justin Dye | Tristan Cheney & Dillon Cheney, Dillingham, 549’ 2 ½”
2 Mark Donlon | Jake Smith & Kyle Wildman, Mat-Su A, 507’ 11 ½”
3 Connor McCracken | Carter Price & Trey Henning, Unalaska, 489’ 8 ½
4 Simeon Tugatuk | Dillon Cheney & Tristan Cheney, SWRS, 486’ 11 ½”
5 Aaron Rose | Trevor Wilson & Trey Henning, Nome, 436’ 5 ½”
1 Tara Agwiak, LYSD, 77″ 0 m
2 Ashley Mute, Bethel HS, 73″ 0 m
3 Jerilyn Alexie, Mt. Edgecumbe, 72” 0 m
4 Terry Johnson, Anchorage Team A, 69” 0 m
5 Kimberly Clark, Nome, 68” 0 m
1 Calvin Egoak, LKSD, 86” 2 m
2 Judah Eason, Ninilchik, 84” 0 m
3 Lucas Aningayou, Bering Straits, 84” 2 m
4 Axel Tretikokkof, Anchorage Team A, 81” 0 m
5 Virgil Kapotak, Anchorage Team B, 80” 0 m
FRIDAY, April 28
1 Ashley Hoglund, Mat-Su A
2 Monica Ishnook, SWRS
3 Autumn Randazzo, Anchorage A
4 Madison Ortega, Mat-Su B
5 Miya Page, Kotzebue
1 Oneahi Talaiasi, Barrow
2 Haley Osborne, Mt Edgecumbe
3 Matt Faoasau, Unalaska
4 Jamal Alstrom, LYSD
5 Matt Grothe, Mat-Su A
1 Madi Ko, Mat-Su A, 30′ 1″ – New NYO & World Record
2 Kaye Gumera, Unalaska, 29′ 4″
3 Crystalynn Tula’i, Barrow, 27′ 6″
4 Emily Pomaranke, Nome Beltz, 27′ 4″
5 Catherine Sunny, Mt Edgecumbe, 26′ 10 1/4″
1 Kaiden Jimenez, Mat-Su A, 35′ 4 3/4″
2 Arctic Ivanoff, Bering Strait A, 35′ 2 1/4″
3 John Villena, Unalaska, 35′ 2″
4 Orlin Gologergen, Mt Edgecumbe, 34′ 10 1/4″
5 Merlin White, LKSD, 33′ 6″
1 Joeli Carlson, Bethel, 58” 0 m
2 Chantel Snyder, LKSD, 58” 1m @ 54”
3 June Tuluk, Chevak, 54” 0 m/55” 0 m
4 Tara Agwaik, LYSD, 54” 0 m/55” 1 m/57”
5 Kaye Gumera, Unalaska, 54” 0m /55” 1 m/56”
1 Braden Dallmann, Aniak, 65”
2 Brian Conwell, Unalaska, 64” 0 m
3 Virgil Kapotak, Anchorage A, 64” 3 m/58”
4 Brandon Vanlandingham, West Valley, 64” 3 m/46”
5 Jake Smith, Matsu A, 62” 1 m
1 Madi Ko, Mat-Su Team A, 76” 2m
2 Julianne Wilson, Kenaitze, 76” 4m
3 Terry Johnson, Anchorage Team A, 72”
4 Kaye Gumera, Unalaska, 70”
5 Tie – Tara Agwiak, LYSD, 66”
6 Tie – Katelyn Paul, LKSD, 66″0m
1 Noah Brown Mat-Su Team A 92”
2 Trevor Wilson Unalaska 90” 1m/90”
3 Kaden Jimenez Mat-Su Team B 90” 2m
4 Isaiah Charles LKSD 86” 0m
5 Brandon Vanlandingham West Valley 86” 1m/70”
SATURDAY, April 29
1 Laura Ekada, Mount Edgecumbe
2 Tatiana Tickner, Anchorage Team A
3 Miya Page, Kotzebue/NWABSD
4 Chloe Phillips, Anchorage Team B
5 Nellie Stone, Nenana
1 Elvis Reyes, Anchorage Team A
2 Eric Fitka, Galena ILA
3 Faizar Cayron, Unalaska
4 Iverson Moonin, Nanwalek
5 Jaden Ulroan, Chevak
1 Julianne Wilson, Kenaitze, 90” 0m
2 Madi Ko, Mat Su A, 90” 2m
3 Kaye Gumera, Unalaska, 88” 3m
4 Kaia Beebe, LPSD, 88” 4m
5 Milya Wright, Barrow, 86” 1m
1 Kaiden Jimenez, Mat Su A, 106” 0m
2 Clevon Constantine, Bethel, 104” 0m
3 Arctic Ivanoff, BSSD, 104” 2m/100”
4 Isaiah Charles, LKSD, 100/101” 1m
5 Carter Price, Unalaska, 100/101” 2m
1 Julianne Wilson, Kenaitze, 123’ 3-3/4”
2 Adeline Dyment, Mt. Edgecombe, 121’ 3-3/4”
3 Britney Dray, Dillingham, 120’ 2”
4 Denise Uttereyuk, Lower Yukon, 118’ 3”
5 Jenny Klebesedal, Mat Su A, 116’ 9”
1 Jaden Anaver, LKSD, 156’ 9-1/2”
2 Brandon Asicksik, Anchorage A, 117’ 6-3/4”
3 Sean Martin, Anchorage B, 116’ 10”
4 Edward Atcherian, Chevak, 99’ 8”
5 Shelby Samuel, Mt. Edgecombe, 97’ 3-1/2”
Sportsmanship Awards
Male: Isaiah Charles, LKSD
Female: Madi Ko, Mat Su A
Gloria Walker Sportsmanship Award
Healthy Coach Award
Nick Hanson
Best Team Banner
Overall Athlete
Male: Kaden Jimenez, Mat Su Team B
Female: Kaye Gumera, Unalaska
Overall Teams
1st Mat Su A Team
2nd Unalaska
3rd Anchorage A Team
4th LKSD
5th Mount Edgecumbe
Academic Award
Team of 5 or more:
1st Lake & Peninsula
2nd BSSD Team B
3rd BSSD Team A
4th Dillingham
Team of 2-4:
1st St. Mary’s HS
2nd Randy Smith Middle
3rd Adak