New Regional Public Safety Officers begin working in Rural Alaska

This week (June 28th, 2024)— three new Regional Public Safety Officers have begun work in Northwest Alaska and Southeast Alaska through the DPS Village Public Safety Officer Division. Regional Public Safety Officers (RPSO) have similar authority to Village Public Safety Officers; however, their authority and jurisdiction extends to an entire region instead of just within a specific village.

The three RPSOs are:

Sean Ahshapanek, Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indians

Joshua Harville, Northwest Arctic Borough

Zach West, Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indians

“We have worked tirelessly over the last four years to return Alaska’s novel Village Public Safety Officer Division to its peak through new funding from Governor Dunleavy and the Legislature and a specific focus within the department,” said Alaska Department of Public Safety Commissioner James Cockrell. “These three Regional Public Safety Officers will complement the cadre of Village Public Safety Officers working tirelessly as first responders in Alaska’s villages. We will keep working to increase the number of Village Public Safety Officers and Regional Public Safety Officers until every village that wants one, has one.”

Both Village Public Safety Officers and Regional Public Safety Officers are employed by one of ten grantees that receive annual funding from DPS for the program. Today there are 71 VPSOs working in Alaska. VPSOs and RPSOs work as first responders in Alaska’s rural and remote villages providing for basic law enforcement, search and rescue, fire suppression, and emergency medical services within their community.

“The addition of Regional Public Safety Officers in Alaska’s remote communities represents a significant step in enhancing the safety and security of our rural villages,” stated Village Public Safety Officer Operations Director James Hoelscher. “Their ability to operate across multiple villages will provide much-needed support and flexibility as we work to meet the department’s mission of ensuring public safety.”