The 2022 Bogus Creek 150 was originally scheduled to start this Saturday, January 15th. Last week we announced the difficult decision to postpone the race due to a long stretch of poor weather and trail conditions, which had made training for local dog teams impossible for a span of weeks. The K300 Race Committee has now established a new date for the race.
The Bogus Creek 150 will start on Saturday, February 19th at 3pm. Leading up to that the Race Committee has also scheduled the annual “February 50” for Saturday, February 12th at 11am.
There have been no schedule changes for the Kuskokwim 300 or Akiak Dash. The K300 is still set to begin on Friday, January 28th at 6:30pm and the Akiak Dash will begin on Saturday, January 29th at 1pm.