by MEHS Staff
Mt. Edgecumbe High School will host its 2020 graduation ceremony online due to the ongoing pandemic. Ninety-four seniors will graduate from MEHS this year and the virtual ceremony will take place at 1:00 p.m. Alaska Standard Time on May 7.
Students have taken multiple photos and videos of themselves in their graduation caps and gowns and the graduation team has put together a video presentation of the event. Students will watch the ceremony from their home villages and communities and it will be accessible from the MEHS website, mehs.us.
The Virtual Graduation ceremony is our replacement event to recognize and appreciate the accomplishment of this milestone in our student’s lives, made necessary by the March closure of the MEHS campus. Students received news from dormitory staff the evening of March 19 that the school was sending all students home in the coming days. Surprised students began packing their belongings and preparing for their quick departure. They received incredible support from the residential staff during this untimely transition.
Students from outside Sitka were accompanied by school staff to Anchorage, where students were received by parents or boarded connecting flights home. Staff worked tirelessly to coordinate an effort to return 400 students to their homes safely. Despite numerous challenging complications created by the Covid-19 pandemic, the transportation of all students was completed in less than a week.
With students now at home, the school has continued its daily class schedule online via Zoom, google classroom and individualized student mail home packets of assignments and materials. Teachers have adapted their normal curriculum to the web-based system as students have re-adjusted to life at home. The remote end to the semester has presented difficulties in learning and in teaching. Students and staff have worked hard to overcome these new challenges in recent weeks.
Despite these unexpected difficulties, this year’s senior class has persevered and are ending the year on a strong note. Staff have coordinated efforts to commemorate the Class of 2020 as the year has come to a close. They have been working to organize a statewide effort to ensure students are able to participate in the virtual graduation ceremony while taking into account the diverse range in students’ locations. Working within the State Commissioner’s Guidance on 2019-2020 Graduation Ceremonies, MEHS staff have been in contact with local entities across the State to help students without internet access view the ceremony.
This year’s MEHS valedictorian is Vernae Ramoth from Ambler, and the salutatorian is Robin Masterman from Bethel. Students also chose two student representative speakers, Adeline Dyment of Bethel and Drew Jackson of Kake. Students voted for Katie Mulligan, the MEHS art teacher, as their commencement speaker. They will still deliver speeches, via recordings. Although it will be an unorthodox graduation, seniors and staff have worked to uphold traditions and adapt to this unique situation.
MEHS hopes its students and families will observe and participate in the virtual ceremony while adhering to State and CDC guidelines. This is an opportunity to bring staff, students and families together as they take time to celebrate the Class of 2020. Viewers will commemorate the brave steps this year’s senior class have taken over the last four years through uncertainty, challenges and obstacles. Congratulations to the MEHS Class of 2020.
Mt. Edgecumbe High School Class of 2020
Jaylee Adams, Mentasta Lake
Ariana Adams, Nome
Niko Afcan, Nunam Iqua
Francesca Akpik, Anchorage
Austin Alexie, Mountain Village
Jeremy Aloysius, Bethel
Jamela Anderson, Fort Yukon
Alix Anelon, Anchorage
Casey Anthony, Nightmute
Luceen Apangalook, Sitka
Lucas Arnold, Sitka
Aana Ayagalria, Bethel
Lloydy Ayojiak, Anchorage
Emmalena Bayayok, Anchorage
Gregory Bourdukofsky, Saint Paul Island
Vladimir Bourdukofsky, Saint Paul Island
William Brown, Kongiganak
Joeli Carlson, Bethel
Michelle Casey, Sitka
Murphy Charles, Newtok
Sofia Comolli, Hoonah
Jonathan Constantine, Tok
Malayna Demoski, Wasilla
David Dock, Anchorage
Adeline Dyment, Bethel
Stephanie Eakin, Kotzebue
Amyaa Edwards-Davis, Utqiagvik (Barrow)
Veruca Etcitty-Ramirez, Kenai
Shayna Etuckmelra, Manokotak
Laura Fields, Kotzebue
Abbie Fish, Sitka
Mackenzie Forbes, Quinhagak
Jaden Frost, Togiak
Iris George, Kwethluk
Brittney Goldy, Nome
Galen Gologergen, Nome
Kevyan Greenley, Anchorage
Jesse Hanson, Sitka
Madeline Hardy, Fort Yukon
Elaine Hill, Chevak
Chad Horner, Kobuk
Matt Hunt, Kotlik
Drew Jackson, Kake
John James, Platinum
Corey Jasper, Akiak
Keith Johns, Glennallen
Caitlyn Kaigelak, Nuiqsut
Mercedes Kashatok, Anchorage
Kayla Kashevarof, Anchorage
Alvin Kimoktoak, Koyuk
Heather Kozloff, Saint Paul Island
Amiah Kroto, Gakona
Jasper Kuhne, Sitka
Leah Lekanof, Anchorage
Courtney Lestenkof, Saint Paul Island
Shayla Loveland, Kodiak
Leisha Lozano, Kongiganak
Robin Masterman, Bethel
Benjamin Melovidov, Saint Paul Island
Casper Merculief, Saint Paul Island
Maggie Miller, Nome
Jasmine Moore, Eagle
Ajey Moses, Chevak
Maliyah Moultrie, Anchorage
Tara Nassuk, Koyuk
Cungass’aq Nelson, Napakiak
Haley Osborne, Nome
Richard Oxereok, Northway
Caley Paul, Kipnuk
Lynsie Paul, Kwigillingok
Kaitlyn Peters, Fairbanks
Justina Peterson, Mountain Village
Latasha Philemonoff, Saint Paul Island
Caleb Phillips, Aniak
Rachel (Wynn) Piltz, Anchorage
Jaden Post, Tununak
Vernae Ramoth, Ambler
Tyren Rexford, Utqiagvik (Barrow)
Eedan Ross, Bethel
Alice Sage, Buckland
Terri Sage, Mountain Village
Nya Schaeffer, Kobuk
Jordan Shugak, Old Harbor
Soren Simeon, Aniak
Nathan Small, Platinum
Paul Springer, Bethel
Aurora Standish, McGrath
Melissa Steven, Bethel
Ravenne Storms, Unalakleet
Shayna Warnke-Green, Nome
Taya Warren, Sitka
Sunset Woods, Bethel
Katharine Zaczkowski, North Pole
Chelsea Zaukar, Sleetmute