by Mother Kuskokwim
Judge Rules Federal Analysis for Donlin Gold Mine Unlawful.
In a landmark decision for the communities of the YK Delta, U.S. District Court Judge Gleason ruled on Monday that the federal analysis issued in 2018 for Donlin was unlawful because it failed to realistically study the consequences of a catastrophic tailings dam failure.
This ruling is a profound affirmation of the concerns long expressed by the majority of tribes, Calista shareholders and Mother Kuskokwim regarding the project’s severe risks to our environmental and human health.
Judge Gleason found that the Army Corps and Bureau of Land Management did not adequately consider the environmental impacts of the mine, particularly the potential failure of a proposed 471-foot tailings dam which will contain over 500 million tons of toxic waste. The judge noted that a catastrophic dam failure would pose major risks to downstream waters, fish populations, and the overall subsistence lifestyles of the Kuskokwim River communities.
“This decision amplifies the importance of prior informed consent for developments on our lands and has created a great sense of relief for the majority of Calista shareholders, who have long opposed this controversial project,” said Sophie Swope, Executive Director of the Mother Kuskokwim Tribal Coalition.
“Our deep appreciation goes to six Tribes who brought forward this case and to the legal team at Earthjustice, who worked diligently in achieving this victory, I am so grateful for the role you play in our efforts in protecting our ways of life” said Gloria Simeon, Co-Founder of the Mother Kuskokwim Tribal Coalition. “Mother Kuskokwim Tribal Coalition members and other Tribal advocates will continue to uphold our responsibility to protect and maintain the renewable resources that sustain our region for generations to come,” Simeon stated.
“As the court contemplates the next steps to address these violations, Mother Kuskokwim will continue our work to uplift the voices of our region. We do not want a toxic lake full of mine tailings on our Kuskokwim tributaries. It is clear that the scientific analysis for this project is inadequate and must be redone to account for the realities of the changing climate, drastic salmon declines, and cumulative impacts to wildlife that sustain our livelihood,” concluded Swope.
The six tribes in this federal case, include: Orutsararmiut Native Council, Tuluksak Native Council, the Organized Village of Kwethluk, the Native Village of Eek, Chevak Traditional Council, and the Native Village of Kwigillingok.