Dear Commissioner Sam Cotten,
There definitely has to be a change to keep track of Sport hunters hunting in Game Unit 21E. As far as I know there is a cap of Sport Hunters allowed, I believe it is 50 something don’t know the exact amount. There is 2 guiders in Anvik, 2 in Shageluk, and more than 2 in Holy Cross. The best way to keep track is to divide equal to each, 6 guiders.
These Sport hunters are hunting on Federal land which is open to subsistence hunters only and there are out of state hunters hunting on Alaska State land. These laws are written on the moose harvest tickets that are given out to each hunter.
If the late Katie John of Copper Center filed a lawsuit against the State of Alaska for her subsistence fishing in the Copper River, we can too. I do not want to go that route so please help us in Game Unit 21E which includes Anvik, Grayling, Shageluk, and Holy Cross. These sport hunters are also trespassing on Doyon Limited, Deloycheet, Anvik, Grayling, Shageluk native lands.
I would like Holy Cross, Anvik, Grayling, and Shageluk Tribal Councils to join together to save the moose for our future generations and for better control. I am not against Sport hunters, it is the trespassing and the count is way ove the cap.
William M. Newman
Holy Cross, AK
Michael Sheldon and Stephen Wright for Governor and Lt. Governor of Alaska
As a conservative Republican of 43 years, I am excited to announce, that I have filed a letter of Intent with the Division of Elections as a Gubernatorial Candidate for Governor of Alaska in 2018.
Hi, I am Michael D. Sheldon, who was born in Petersburg, Alaska in 1956 and now 61 years of age.
The Sheldon family history goes back for Generations in Alaska on my Mother’s side, Rose Cooday. My Father Robert Sheldon part Tlingit Native was born in Wrangell, Alaska and my living Tlingit Native Mother was born in the village of Kake, Alaska.
My education came from Petersburg High School (K-12) and after High School, I attended Peninsula College in Port Angeles, Washington in the early 70’s. After college, I was called up on the Alyeska Pipeline to join the 302 Operators Engineers in Fairbanks to work on several different camps as a Mechanic and Welder on the Pipeline.
After the pipeline, I traveled back home and purchased a Commercial Fishing vessel to start my career in the Fishing Industry. l fished, throughout Southeast Alaska and in Bristol Bay for 22 years as an owner-operator and deckhand of my fishing boats and retired from fishing industry in 1998.
l then worked for the Alaska Marine Highway System for some time and finally settled down and began my business as a Handyman for the past ten years. I hope to serve as your Governor and also build on my political experience as I have sat on a Native Coalition Board that I was nominated to travel to Washington D.C. twice. I was directed to talk to the Natural Resources Committee, which the Chairman of the Board at the time was Sen. Frank Murkowski. Just recently a former Tribal Board member for the Petersburg Indian Association. So I can say as an Alaskan who has traveled and been involved in Business operations in this State, understands we can be a real asset to Alaska, by being the next Governor in 2018. We hope to get your support for Sheldon/Wright for Governor in the primary and general election, from voters all around our State.
Stephen is Alaska’s Alaskan Candidate for Lt Governor:
I am Stephen Wright, I was born in Anchorage, AK October 31, 1969. As Lt. Governor it will be a great opportunity to help restore the PFD accounts taken away from the people of Alaska. Ideas like the PFD need to be kept alive and well as a true Alaskan principle of shared resources. The Alaskan Constitution grants that the minerals, resources, and land be used for the benefit of the Alaskan People.
Sure, the Alaskan Government needs to allocate those resources to create infrastructure and programs that help the general populace, but not at the expense of the general populace. Our rights and privileges should not be taken for the benefit of the few, no matter how flowery their arguments.
After completing just over 22 years of military service. I have worked in Rural Alaska re-opening a school and teaching in Hyder, Alaska. I also enjoy spending time with my five boys, camping, fishing, playing sports, reading, hiking, traveling, bowling, and helping others. I look forward to serving you and being the “Veteran born Alaskan” who you can trust, and vote for your Alaskan rights and bringing back our true Alaskan values. I feel that working with Michael Sheldon will help us as a State regain the footing needed to restore Alaska to its former prominence.
We are excited to announce that our efforts to restore Alaskan values and build our team. Our efforts to establish the Republican requirements needed to secure a stable economy. The campaign efforts of Sheldon and Wright of Alaska are just the start as we look to 2018 and the prospects of a more efficient and focused government. We would like to begin this effort as Alaskans moving Alaska forward as we work efficiently together in the areas of private sector growth and producing a more efficient use of resources.
1). Fully Restored PFD, as established in 1981. We plan to restore the formula for the permanent fund dividend distribution by using funds with a five year average formula for consistency and stability as set in State law, as previously calculated. We intend to give back the money capped by the legislature and Governor in the past few years of the Walker administration. It’s our Alaskan right and tradition “shall be restored.” To further protect your PFD, our government will move to work on a constitutional amendment that protects any restructuring of the fund by the legislators from the House, Senate and Governor by placing protections on the fund. So let it be known, that any such actions of restructuring the PFD fund will be decided by the people as to vote on the issue by the PFD shareholders of Alaska.
2). Renegotiate fair contracts with oil companies. We will in good faith negotiate and develop appropriate measures to ensure the continued development and production of oil as the first and best option for Alaska. We will focus on production and not just exploration as previous administrations have done.
3). Create Jobs in Alaska, such as Timber, Roads, etc. to build our economy’s strength. We will provide opportunities for grants to develop our timber industry in line with other like industries within the state. We will seek to restore, locally produced materials and put our forest industry back to work in the southeast, Alaska area.
4). Establish a sustainable Budget that will maintain a balanced fiscal budget.
We intent to build a budget that will reflect the current population base and reign in the excess spending that we currently have, which is a burden on our economy. From the top of our state to the bottom we will seek to find less expensive ways of doing business from extending the life of equipment to eliminating unnecessary positions and bringing the funds back to sustainable or better than viable fiscal plans.
5). Build Hydro Power plants as an alternative power to help resolve high energy prices in Alaska. We plan on capitalizing on infrastructure projects that will have a high return and benefit most Alaskans. All projects will be developed based on this principle of efficiency and the safe harnessing of power through state and potential government grants to the private sector for promoting clean energy.
6). We will encourage new oil exploration. Oil must continue to be the focus of our administration as prospecting exploration has found massive finds within the State and Federal lands. It is imperative that we work closely with the EPA and other agencies to get these programs online and producing.
7). We support HB250 that will abolish abortion. We will work with David Eastman and help to pass HB250 in securing the future protection of every child and the rights of the unborn.
8). Our administration will be an advocate for Alaska Native rights, their governments, and organizations. We will work with and help to develop programs that promote an effective and efficient working relationship between all communities within the state. We will look to build roads, bridges, and infrastructure that will support and sustain these communities. Additionally, we will find ways to use shared resources and other ideas to lower state costs by contracting within each community to help build a sustainable economy. And finally, our administration will protect subsistence lifestyle in Alaska for generations to come.
9). We will build refineries for lower energy costs. We Intend to add refinery capacity to the state and utilize additional energy as a cost-saving measure to help lower energy cost in the country as another economic energy to be developed.
10). Tap as many oil wells as possible to build our economy and infrastructure. We will seek to acquire land from the federal government and develop it to the full capacity and promote the easement and access needed to procure these critical increased capacity requirements.
11). Tax tourism to the National Standard Average. Tourism will continue to be one of the primary focal points of our administration, and we need to harness the national standard taxes and fees required to support this growth. We look to add more ports and other destinations to the travel industry as we build this vital economic resource.
12). Regulate overspending on capital projects operating funds. We must have incentives to motivate our government agencies, not waste money and help them extend contracts and other needed projects through private contracting, that can match or exceed the local requirements necessary to complete projects on-time and under budget.
13). All-State buildings abandoned, shall be auctioned. All-State equipment managed in a way that keeps maintenance costs down and helps us build and strengthen the private sector. More extended equipment depreciation methods and less time to keep and maintain unused structures will help reduce over expenditures on State-funded dollars. Each asset needed to be operated within its useful life and extended for a greater period of time. Other buildings need to privatize and sold so that the recapitalized funds can be used to facilitate additional requirements.
14). No State taxation to the citizens of Alaska.
15). Utilize minerals that are prevalent in our state. We need to recognize and protect our environment and at the same time fast-track projects that make sense and develop the natural resources in a way that we can provide opportunities for the communities of our great state.
16). Rejuvenate the timber industry in Southeast Alaska.
17). Remove fluoride from all Alaskan community water reservoirs by legislative action to submit a ballot vote of the people of this State.
18). Repeal SB91, so that we can reinstate the power back to law enforcement and the State Court System. We need to restore in good faith the security of hard-earned resources and protect the public economies into the future through security and safety for the people.
In closing, we feel as many Alaskans agree that it’s time to elect a Governor who is not a politician or lawyer but an Alaskan for Alaska with common sense for the everyday people of our state. When elected, your new Governor will be the last opportunity to stop legislation that is bad for Alaska as to protect the rights of the citizens of this State.
Michael D. Sheldon, Petersburg
Stephen Wright, Wasilla