Miss WEIO 2023 Crowned

MIss WEIO contestants wait for the announcer to call the winners in this year’s cultural pageant. From left in full regalia are: Jenysa Ahmaogak, Hailey Moses, Natawnee Wiehl, Tehya Titus, Tiana Cozzen, and Katlyn Smith. photo by Greg Lincoln

Congratulations to Tehya Titus of Minto, the newly crowned Miss World Eskimo Indian Olympics (WEIO). WEIO festivities and events took place on July 12 – 15, 2023 in the interior city of Fairbanks. Six ladies took part in the WEIO pageantry hailing from all over Alaska – Miss Ulguniq Uyagaatchiaq Jenysa Ahmaogak of Wainwright, Miss Kluti-Kaah Suuth Gaay Tiana Rain Cozzen of Copper Center, Miss Fairbanks Native Association Hailey Neeltl’ooon Anganaran Moses of Fairbanks, Miss Arctic Circle Katlyn Inugiksuq Smith of Kotzebue, Tehya Titus of Minto, and Miss Nuchalawoyya Natawnee Brianne Wiehl of Tanana/Rampart.

The 2022 Miss WEIO Michelle Uyumgaq Kaleak of Utqiagvik passed on the crown to Titus last Friday at the Big Dipper Ice Arena, the venue for this year’s event.

The first runner up was Miss FNA Hailey Moses. Second runner up was Miss Ulguniq Jenysa Ahmaogak. The pageant contestants were judged in three categories: impromptu speech, personal interview, and traditional talent. Other special award winners were:

Most Talented: Jenysa Ahmaogak

Most Traditional: Katlyn Smith

Best Public Speaker: Tehya Titus

Most Photogenic (chosen by the Miss WEIO official photographer): Hailey Moses

Miss Congeniality (voted by the Miss WEIO contestants): Tiana Cozzen and Katlyn Smith

Honorable Mention: Natawnee Wiehl

The awards for the Miss WEIO pageant were made by Fairbanks artist Deloole’aanh Erickson. The framed awards were caribou tufted flowers that were designed to be worn as a necklace.

“A Heartfelt Thank You to Miss WEIO Participants! We want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude and admiration to all the incredible Miss WEIO participants who graced us with their presence and showcased the true essence of our cultural heritage. Your dedication, talent, and passion have truly left us in awe. Your commitment to preserving our traditions and keeping our cultural heritage alive is truly inspiring,” said the Miss WEIO organizers. “We extend our sincere congratulations to the winner of Miss WEIO and to all the participants who poured their hearts into this competition. Remember, each one of you is a true champion, representing the resilience, strength, and beauty of our people. Thank you for reminding us of our cultural heritage and for inspiring us to continue preserving and sharing it for generations to come. Together, we will continue to keep the flame of our traditions burning brightly!”

This summer WEIO organizers increased the age limit for Miss WEIO contestants from 25 to 30.
