Monday, May 31, 2021 is Memorial Day – a day to remember and honor the heroes of our country who died while serving in the U.S. military. On this day, the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10041 of Bethel hosted a ceremony for the servicemen and women who have passed on with a special dedication to Fritz Grenfell. The service took place at the Alaska Territorial Guard Memorial Park.
Bethelites came to gather together with the Post members for the ceremony to pay their respects to the memory of those who passed on in the service of our nation.
Members of the VFW Post marched together to the ATG Park. The procession included flagbearers Shorty Salzbrun and Nick Pollock, Post Commander Henry Hunter Sr., Sr. Vice Commander Jim Wyckoff, Jr. Vice Commander Mun Lindsey, Officer of the Day Johnny Guinn, Ladies Auxiliary President Tess Guinn, and Chaplain Buck Bukowski.
Post Commander Henry Hunter gave the Memorial Day welcome and speech.
“Welcome to the VFW Post 10041 Memorial Day Service, a tribute to our fallen comrades. Memorial Day commemorates the men and women who died while in the military service of our country – the United States of America, particularly those who died in battle or results of wounds sustained in battle.
“Memorial Day is to remember the Veterans who made the “ultimate sacrifice” for their country. We must spend time remembering those who lost their lives and could not come home, reflecting on their service and why we have the luxury and freedom that we enjoy today. This year we honor Fritz Grenfell.
“On this Memorial Day we come before the Creator of Mankind to remember those who bravely served our great country and, as a result of their service, were called home by our Lord. Father, we ask for your blessing upon the souls of those good men and women who gave their last breath in defense of our nation, our freedom, and our children’s future.
“We also ask you to bless everyone gathered here today, and grant us the strength to rise to the challenges of our time and meet them in full faith that you will always be with us.
“May we glorify you in all we do, Lord, today and every day. Let us all say ‘Amen’.”
A special moment of remembrance was given to George Kilbuck of Bethel who was the first Bethelite to die in combat overseas. Each post member read a short speech and placed the symbols of honor at the foot of the ATG guardsman memorial.
Thank you to the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10041 servicemen and women for conducting the ceremony each year – rain, wind or shine, so that no one is ever forgotten.