by Greg Lincoln
It is March Madness here in the YK Delta and teams throughout our region are having or have had their league tournaments for basketball. The long-awaited week is finally upon us here in Bethel and we are brimming with excitement for our teams!
There are some who may remember back in the 1980s league winners in our district would be guaranteed a trip to the state basketball tournament in Anchorage. My favorite player of all time made that trip and her name is Kelly.
Today it is different, same intense game but we have conferences or districts which are made up of different leagues. There are three conferences in our region: Greater Kuskokwim, Yukon Delta, and Alaska Coastal.
We are standing right in the middle of the largest 1A conference in the state of Alaska. The Alaska Coastal Conference has 20 schools: Akiuk, Akula, Atmautluak, Chefornak, Eek, Goodnews Bay, Kipnuk, Kongiganak, Kwethluk, Kwigillingok, Mekoryuk, Napakiak, Napaskiak, Newtok, Nightmute, Nunapitchuk, Quinhagak, Toksook Bay, Tuntutuliak, and Tununak. These schools are divided up into three different leagues: Midcoast, Island, and Kusko Delta. The second highest conference in Alaska is Bering Sea with 14.
For 2A we have the Western Coastal Conference for Chevak, Hooper Bay, and Scammon Bay. The teams in Unalakleet are part of the Great Alaska Conference.
In total, there are 105 schools in the 1A category spread out over our vast immense state.
This tournament is a nice diversion, it fills us with all kinds of anticipation – we will get to see friends and relatives and also cheer for our student-athletes who worked so hard to get here. We wish everyone safe travels!