by LKSD Staff
The Board of Education for the Lower Kuskokwim School District is pleased to announce their choice for a new Superintendent of Schools, Ms. Kimberly Hankins, beginning July 1st, 2020.
The Board wishes to express their sincere thanks to everyone who participated in and supported the onsite superintendent interviews on February 19 and 20, in Bethel. The Board especially wants to thank all of the staff and Advisory School Board members that participated in the VTC sessions and meetings with the candidates.
The Board met in executive session on February 20th to conduct the interviews and review the applications, references, and feedback from the day’s meetings. The Board discussed at length the appointment of a Superintendent from the two well-qualified candidates.
After coming out of executive session, the Board took formal action and voted unanimously for the appointment of Ms. Kimberly Hankins at a starting annual salary of $155,000 for a three-year contact.
Ms. Hankins is currently serving as the Assistant Superintendent of the Lower Kuskokwim School District. Ms. Hankins has served in the district for nearly 17 years starting as a classroom teacher, advancing to site administrator at two school sites, then the Director of Secondary Education and most recently promoted to Assistant Superintendent in July 2019.
Kimberly obtained her Bachelor Science in Secondary Education from Montana State University, a M. Ed. In Counseling and Guidance from the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) and a M. Ed. In Education Leadership from UAA. Kimberly currently holds a State of Alaska Superintendent Endorsement.
Ms. Hankins made the following statement upon their appointment:
“I’m excited and humbled to be chosen as the next superintendent for the Lower Kuskokwim School District. I look forward to continuing to serve the students, staff, parents, and communities of LKSD in this new role.”