by Peter Elachik
The important part of Living Life is the family Structure. A good, strong Mom and Dad are the most important part of the family Structure. This and Love are needed in Living Life successfully. Children are an important part of family.
To have Living Life successfully, children need a good social education, good religious education, and a good formal education. Children must also know our cultural and customary way of Living Life. Another thing to know is your relatives. They must learn how to avoid problems that causes hurt feelings for themselves, their families or neighbors.
Living Life is real because of 2 things that are real in every person. These are Love and Hate. Because of these two things, it brings another thing into our lives. It is the freedom to choose Love or to choose Hate. Love is the most important part of Living Life successfully.
Choices are made in many ways and many times we use in Living Life. Choices are many throughout life. Do not forget we live in great happiness or in horrible pain without and in Heaven or Hell because of our choices we make to-day. That choice can be made now. It is called Change. Change is the choice we make in our heart and mind to do better in Living Life. Let us make that change starting now. There are three choices that make Living Life better. These three choices to use are Forgiveness, Obedience, and Respect. Three Choices are from Love or because of Love.
Love asks forgiveness for what was done, done that causes hurt to others. We hurt by what was said, by what was done and by what was not done that was supposed to be done. Forgiveness brings peace of mind and heart. Having peace of mind and heart is a very good feeling in Living Life.
Obedience will make your life better and easier in Living Life. Obey your home and school rules. Obey City government and tribal government laws. Obey Church teachings. Most of all, obey the teaching and ways that Jesus taught in Living Life. By obeying, your life problems will go away one by one, problems like hurt pain and stress. Heart and mind will have peace.
By using Respect, showing Respect and giving Respect, Living Life will be peaceful and good for you, your family and neighbors. First, Respect life in yourselves by having a good clear mind. Do not use personal pleasure by having sex, alcohol or drug use. Addiction makes you carry a heavy load in your mind. Use prayer to help you have Respect for Life. Pray daily to do better in Living Life. Most of all, Respect the teaching and ways that Jesus taught in Living Life. By obeying Jesus, you give your Respect to him and mankind.
Last of all, Respect life in plants, fish, birds, and animals. Respect life in all forms because Life is a wonderful and precious gift of being alive. Life is from God.
The history of our people is 15,000 years old. When Christ came to earth 2,000 years ago, our people were living in Alaska for 13,000 years. Be proud of your Yupik ancestors who used survival ways that continue to-day.
Our people lived under harsh conditions, just to stay alive. Our people had no iron stoves for heat and cooking. They used seal oil and moss for lamps. They lived in sod houses because there was no iron saws to build houses.
Our people worked together in a lot of ways to live life easier. Our people worked together when sickness wiped out families. Our people worked together fighting hunger that made our people weak and sick. Our people worked together to have Peace. Peace is freedom from hurt and pain. Working together is a success that kept us alive for 15,000 years.
Success in the Western way is one person making a lot money. Success in the Yupik way is all people working together to get things done.
Today we live in two different worlds, the Yupik world and the western world. Learn the ways of each that makes life easier. There is a saying, I live in two different worlds, but my spirit is one.
There is a magic way called “Change”. “Change” can let our people be free from pain and hurt. Use “Change” with “Pillars of Strength”. These 5 “Pillars of Strength” are Faith, Love, Forgiveness, Obedience and Respect. To use “Change” and “Pillar of Strength” is a blessing that makes us feel good, strong and happy in Living Life.
1st Pillar, Faith. Use Faith to believe there is one God. Use Faith to believe there are 3 persons in one God. Use faith to pray always to God. Faith brings strength.
2nd Pillar, Love. Use Love to love God. Remember all good things come from Loves. Remember all good things come because of Love. There are many ways Love can be used. Love always give and gives and gives but never takes anything for yourselves. Love brings happiness.
3rd Pillar, Forgiveness. Use Forgiveness to tell others who hurt you by saying. I forgive you for what you said that hurt me. I forgive you for what you done that hurt me. I also forgive you for things that was supposed to be done, but never done. Like I quit using alcohol. Ask to be forgiven for what you said and for what you have done that hurt others. Also ask forgiveness for things not done that was supposed to be done. Forgiveness brings Peace that frees the heart and mind from hurt and pain.
4th Pillar, Obedience. Use Obedience to obey parents. Use obedience for the following. Family rules, school and work policies, city and tribal ordinances. Obey traditional values of caring, sharing and respect. Obey church teaching and God’s commandments. Obedience will not let you have problems that make you suffer.
5th Pillar, Respect. Have Respect for all life in people, animals, fish, bird and plants. Use Respect beginning with yourself. Have respect for your heart, mind and body by using “change”. Use “change” to keep away from drugs, they harm your mind. Use “change” to keep away from alcohol, it harms your body. Use “change” to keep away from ways that are not good, they hurt you as a person.
Having no Respect brings problems that hurt you in life. Respect builds Love.
The magic way “Change” can begin right now in your heart and mind as you learn to use the “Pillar of Strength” to heal your life. Pray for help all the time where ever you are.
-By Peter Elachik, 5/2013
This was printed with the permission of the Elachik family of the late Respected Elder, Peter Elachik Sr., the Kotlik Tribal Council and Community of Kotlik who wanted to submit what Peter had shared with anyone and everyone who had a listening ear. Peter was known to have pen and paper ready at hand. What we are submitting today is Peter’s own written words typed word for word. Kotlik was very fortunate to have someone as knowledgeable as him and we would like to share some of what he had written to all that reads the Delta Discovery Newsletter.