Lessons from our Elders

by Peter Twitchell

As most people who saw the “10 Commandments” starring actor Charlton Heston, I will use a word from that great motion picture, which was used by “Moses and the Pharoah” himself. The word is “compelled”.

I am compelled to write about what I am going to say! “Ciuliaput”, our Elders who came first before us never had life on a silver platter.

Life of our Ancients was a hard life, but they accepted each day as it came and lived it to its fullest. Always thanking Creator God creator of Heaven and Earth, and every living person (man and woman), and creatures, for life and living each day to the fullest!

Our Yupiaq people of hundreds of years ago believed in God “Ellam Yua”. And our ancestors worked hard to honor Ellam Yua and worked together caring and sharing with their neighbors and friends.

I can only admire their strength, love for each other, and the land, water and sky which provided all their needs and put there by Ellam Yua for them to use and share. I am encouraged to live life to its fullest and help my neighbor! What a wonderful lesson the Elders bestowed on us to work hard and never give up!

A personal note: I enjoy watching the movie, “The Snow Walker”, starring Canadian actor Barry Pepper and the Canadian Inuit actress “Kanaalaq”, English name Annabella Piugattuk, who saves Barry’s character in the movie, more than once.

A great story of surviving all odds and challenges, as our Yupiaq ancestors did hundreds of years ago. As the hard work and ardor of our ancient Elders brought you and I here. Just think our Elders worked and never gave up.