by Kwethluk Joint Group
The Kwethluk Joint Group passed Resolution 20-01 on May 15th, 2020 urging the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation to cease dumping of raw sewage to the Kuskokwim River at Kalskag, Alaska. The Unit Four villages of Akiak, Akiachak, Tuluksak, and Kwethluk moved unanimously to support this resolution in their meeting at Akiak, Alaska on May 19, 2020.
Resolution Number 20-01
A Resolution of the Kwethluk Joint Group urging Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation to cease dumping of raw sewage at Kalskag Alaska.
Whereas, the Kwethluk Joint Group is comprised of the Organized Village of Kwethluk, Kwethluk IRA Council a federally recognized Tribal Government, City of Kwethluk, Kwethluk City Council a state formed government and Kwethluk Incorporated through their Board of Directors formed under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act; and,
Whereas, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation has approved dumping of raw sewage from the Kalskag sewage lagoon without consideration of the health and safety of the Lower Kuskokwim River Village residents; and
Whereas, to date, a certain individual commented on Facebook that Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation District approved dumping raw sewage in to the Kuskokwim River twice a year without giving prior warning, notice, public comment process or government to government consultation process; and,
Now, Therefore Be It Resolved that the Kwethluk Joint Group urges Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation and Village of Kalskag to cease dumping raw sewage into the Kuskokwim River which poses public health issues to the Lower Kuskokwim River Village residents; and,
Be It Further Resolved that if there are other Villages dumping raw sewage into the Kuskokwim River that this practice ceases immediately; and,
Finally Be It Further Resolved, that this resolution be mailed to Lyman Hoffman, Tiffany Zulkoski, Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation and Association of Village Council Presidents Inc. for immediate action.
Passed and approved this 15th Day of May, 2020 in a duly called meeting of the Kwethluk Joint Group and voting: 17 in favor and 0 against the measure.