Kuskokwim Ice Classic clock stops on May 8

Eric Whitney (in photo) is the builder and designer of the Kusko Ice Classic Tripod. Photo courtesy of BCSF

The Kuskokwim Ice Classic clock stopped when the tripod moved downriver with the ice on Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 at 8:40am.

The temperature was at 25 degrees F and it was snowing.

Authentication of the regular ice classic winner generally takes 24-48 hours, and the winner will be posted soon, said the Bethel Community Services Foundation.

The winners of the Minute Madness Wheel are:

Minute Madness 1 ($10k jackpot): Erin Haviland of Bethel

Minute Madness 2 ($10k jackpot): Katherine Martin of Atmautluak

Minute Madness 3 ($4k jackpot): Wilson Twitchell of Kasigluk

The groups benefitting from Ice Classic ticket sales this year are:

•Bethel Friends of Canines 

•Delta Illusion Dance Company

•Teens Acting Against Violence

•YK Delta Lifesavers

The rabbit design tripod was built by Eric Whitney of Bethel.

“Thank you to everyone who played and we look forward to seeing and hearing from you all again next year!” said BCSF staff.