by Peter Twitchell
Each one of us are given gifts that help us to grow in the body of Christ. In Ephesians 4:16 Christ Jesus is the head of the church. As followers of Christ Jesus we are the body and we will grow in our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth if we choose to follow Him.
We are adults and cannot remain like children, we begin looking at others as more important. As the body of Christ we can minister God’s love to each other and especially to our children and grandchildren. The truth of this is it is our duty as the body of Christ, we cannot always depend on ministers.
I’ve witnessed a false prophet in a church I attended who said sinners do not belong in here. This statement made me wonder. We looked at that person, a minister standing at the pulpit preaching. I have not personally read anywhere in the Holy Bible such a statement. I’ve seen pastors like Billy Graham who invited sinners to accept Jesus as their Savior and asked him or her to come down balconies to be prayed over, for salvation.
Thank God almighty for this opportunity to be saved from the sins of a sinful world. Christ Jesus who is the head of our body, I believe, requires each of us to minister to one another and to love one another in our hearts minds and soul.
So as an adult don’t remain like a child – grow up in every way. We are God’s children. Each of us are given 24 hours every day, grow to love each other, Christ Jesus of Nazareth, and ourselves! How else can we love others if we don’t love ourselves.