A Nation that is divided against each other will not stand. In light of this phrase, I would like to be a voice not only for our children, but to our elders, our mothers and fathers and families that are affected by the unhealthy use of alcohol.
Our Tribe(s) and our Yup’ik Nation(s) need to work collaboratively, setting aside all of our differences and stand together to wage a battle for our people both young and old. I know that we have a tendency of blaming the bottle, but there is something much deeper than that. As parents we need to go to the root of the problem and begin to listen.
When I say listen, I am not merely talking about what we hear, but listen with our eyes, our perception and begin to discern what it is that is triggering our young to engage in unhealthy behavior(s). I know that I am preaching to a choir, but this needs to be heard.
I am taking responsibility not only for myself but also to my children and nieces and nephews. We are indeed a big family of Yup’ik people. Take time and I mean take the time now and devote our time to our children. Do things proactively; take them swimming, take them with you when you go hunting or fishing, play board games, watch a movie together, take a ride, a walk and just be there, put away your cell phone(s) and be present. Ask them to step away from their games on the computer/x-box or what have you and eat pizza together and call it a family night.
There is a bond between parents and their children, and I mean parent in the most general terms. Parenting does not have to mean a biological mother or father, parenting is bringing up and raising and being there to guide and counsel; we all are parents when there are children involved. It takes a whole village to raise a child as they say.
Inerqurluki, teach them and guide them in good principle(s). They will never forget your love and caring attitude.
Ina Pavila Bethel, AK
Thank you
I want to commend Mr. Jakob Sipary for shedding light to what the young boys and girls went through going to boarding schools outside and in Alaska. I do not recall my aunt’s or uncle’s that went speak about life away from their parents, older siblings that stayed. Life in must have been harder for those that lost children and were never returned without explanation.
Jimmy Larson Online Post
It is still happening today
Forced assimilation by killing the Indian and saving the man has been the most damaging to the indigenous peoples of not only the Americas, but of the world!! It is still happening to this day in America many other countries!!!! Each government should be held accountable for their actions to these people by returning not only their inherent rights but should also be compensated monetarily and the return of their lands!!!!
Gordon Dimmick Online Post
Alaska should be its own sovereign nation
Hello out there,
Wow, we’ve had some kind of a winter – crazy. Although you might roast at times, its better to have the extra clothing that you can take off, instead of freeze your arse and get sick.
No wonder I keep saying Alaska should become its own Sovereign Nation. I went to a BLM (Bureau of Land Management) meeting where they were discussing the land within Alaska that they are thinking to open for mining. Now, they have said they would consider letting the 69 different Tribes apply to become “Cooperating Agencies”, to which – of the 19 who applied – they have only let 2 communities join.
Why? Are they scared we would oppose them? But of course we would. They want to let Companies mine a decent part of Alaska. Lord knows what kind of toxins they would be putting on Our Land, which will affect Our waters and Our resources.
Very soon they will give people a chance to comment – a 90 day period. But, BLM has already made up their mind, and to heck with what Alaskans say. So, if we want to protect Our Land and Our Resources, we must stand united and fight them. There is only a 90 day period folks.
I find it oh so funny how people can open oriental restaurants but Alaska Natives can’t open restaurants, or sell their food. How is that? What’s the difference. Only that our food is probably healthier and more nutritious. And, isn’t it funny how junk food costs less than nutritious food? Then they complain about how people are so unhealthy.
I was thinking about how cold it is out, and the homeless people. Many of them have skills/trades, yet people won’t even give them a second thought – including our Government. If they die – what is it – so what? Seems to be you get stricter penalties for killing a dog/pet than you do for killing a person. I thought it’s supposed to be people who are more important. How about them taking care of our people, and caring how things happen to them.
Not only that, but, the insurance agencies have decided to raise their rates for health care. As if anyone could afford the rates to begin with, now they want to raise them more. They should be lowering rates instead, so more people could buy into it, and actually afford to go to the hospital and get treated. After all, aren’t they trying for a healthier America?
Take care you all. God bless you and keep you all well! Prayer does wonders.
Karen Nanouk Unalakleet, AK
Letter to Colonel Phillip Borders, Alaska District Commander for the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers regarding Pebble Mine comment period
Dear Colonel Borders:
We respectfully request that you extend the USACE deadline to accept public comments regarding your Pebble Project Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) to at least 270 days.
The USACE’s inadequate, extremely limited 90-day public comment period will not allow Alaskans to fully examine the enormous DEIS and respond.
Senator Dan Sullivan told the Anchorage Daily News that he believes “more time to do the due diligence” is needed due to the large size of this project. Senator Lisa Murkowski, likewise, told the News that your comment period should be extended. Their assessment of the situation is very accurate. Notwithstanding your rejection on February 22nd 2019 of the extension request by the Bristol Bay Native Association, the Bristol Bay Native Corporation, and the Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation, the undersigned submit this similar request herein.
The Corps extended the comment period for the proposed Donlin mine to six months. Pebble has the potential to dwarf Donlin, and thus deserves a longer comment period than Donlin.
Because the Pebble DEIS includes tens of thousands of pages of detailed technical information, three months is insufficient for even the most dedicated public person to assess and respond to the sheer volume of material.
The Pebble Project would have far-reaching impacts on both the commercial and the subsistence economies of the region. It is, arguably, the most important proposed Alaska project of our time. Alaskans deserve a fair chance to weigh in on it.
Thank you for your careful consideration of our request.
Representatives Andy Josephson, Harriet Drummond, Matt Claman, Grier Hopkins, Jonathan Kriess- Tomkins, Zack Fields, Sara Hannan, Gabrielle LeDoux, John Lincoln, Dan Ortiz, Ivy Spohnholz, Andi Story, Geran Tarr, Steve Thompson, Adam Wool, Chris Tuck, Neal Foster, Louise Stutes, Bryce Edgmon, Tiffany Zulkosky
Alaska State Legislature