The Interim steering Committee of the Yukon Kuskokwim Canine Health Association officially organized on May 22, 2019. The mission statement, bylaws and nonprofit status were adopted to provide and promote needed veterinary service to include all of the Regions villages. The elected officers are Chairman Mike Williams of Akiak, Vice Chairman Nathan Underwood of Aniak, Treasurer Kelly Gordon and Secretary Angie Fitch of Fairbanks. Interim Members are John Simon of Bethel, Jason Larson of Napaskiak, Larson Hunter of Scammon Bay and John Riley of Pitka’s Point. Ex Officio Medical Directors are Dr. Arleigh Reynolds and Dr. Timothy Hunt, both are long time, esteemed Alaska Veterinarians. Please contact Mike Williams 907-765-2061 or Angie Fitch 907-322-5108 if you have questions, suggestions or would like to participate in this exciting new program.