Hello All! I hope you’re enjoying this beautiful weather because I am. Also, try and make the best out of this quarantine. Ever wonder what it would be like if the virus didn’t break out? What you’d be doing? I sure have.
When the coronavirus had spread throughout the whole world, it was a devastation to all. It was not expected, no one was prepared for such a deadly thing. Everyone had to change their daily routine, which is still very difficult to get used to, by staying home and isolating yourself from friends and family. That is the most difficult thing.
I think to myself, what would I usually be doing right now? What would everyone be doing? Students would be in school, parents at work, people traveling, or spending time with friends and family. All the activities around the world would take place, the seniors would have a normal graduation ceremony, and so much more.
We don’t have control over what’s going to happen to the world. So we must stay positive and be hopeful for this to end, which it will. Be patient. Stay busy. Most importantly, STAY SAFE!
Canaar Charlie, BRHS
Bethel, Alaska
The effects of COVID-19
We people in Bethel are feeling the effects of COVID-19; you now see fewer vehicles out and about during the day or walking around openly than usual. Of all the people I have seen walking in close proximity of other people, they were keep their distancing with masks.
I’ve also been seeing people on the sides of the roads walking with masks even when there was no one else walking around. Drivers sometimes wear masks by themselves, teachers delivering school work at stops wear masks, and even the Meals-On-Wheels participants wear masks.
Also, YKHC is conducting tests at the Alaska Airlines Center for people who come off the jet from Anchorage or just anywhere else. By now, everyone should know that they have to be very responsible for themselves by sanitizing properly and cleaning high risk areas, or even avoiding high risk areas where it’s not necessary to go.
Bradly Oulton, BRHS
Bethel, AK
Working from home has its ups and downs
Home-school work is always different when receiving it every week. There might be a lot of work one week, and less the next, and the assignments are varied.
One problem students have is not having enough or any access to the internet at home. Some teachers assign work that is only available online, while some assign work both online and on paper. Students need to work hard and remain focused to complete everything.
Students are working in different ways. Some students complete their assignments right away, while others work at the last minute. This is probably not the best way to go, but it’s important to finish work when it’s due: every Monday. One idea might be to make yourself a schedule and complete at least one assignment each day. Always remember to keep it up!
Delen Hooper, BRHS
Bethel, AK
ARA, ANVCA and AFN respond to Treasury CARES Act funding formula
The ANCSA Regional Association (ARA), the Alaska Native Village Corporation Association (ANVCA), and the Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) are grateful that the Department of Treasury has finalized a formula for the distribution of CARES Act Tribal Relief Funding to tribes. We are pleased that this historic relief fund is being distributed to help indigenous people across our nation respond to this global pandemic.
We want to thank the administration, Congress and Alaska’s Congressional Delegation for driving this support to Indian Country throughout the United States. We look forward to the final determination on what benefits will be available to Alaska Native people. We remain dedicated to continuing our work to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, respond to the devastating impacts on our people and our health system, and recover our economies.
ANCSA Regional Association
Alaska Native Village Corporation Association
Alaska Federation of Natives
A Stable Economic Future Follows the Ambler Road
As COVID-19 continues to create global economic hardship, it is reassuring to see steady progress on a project offering immediate and long-term benefits to Alaska’s economy. The Ambler Mining District Industrial Access Project, or Ambler road, would help bring jobs and new revenues for the Northwest Arctic Borough and the State by lowering the cost to explore, build and operate future mines in the area.
We have known of the Ambler district’s vast copper and base metal deposits since the 1950s. Congress recognized the value of developing them, including specific guarantees in the 1980 Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) for a road to link them with the Dalton Highway.
In 2009, state transportation planners identified an initial route, and in 2013 the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) took over as project lead, hoping to replicate its success with the DeLong Mountain Transportation System, which provides access to Northwest Alaska’s Red Dog mine. One of the world’s largest zinc mines, Red Dog has contributed significant revenues to the Northwest Arctic Borough and NANA Regional Corporation, and provided family-wage jobs and other opportunities to rural Alaskans since 1989.
The Ambler Road proposal is for a 211-mile, one-way gravel industrial road branching west from the Dalton Highway near Prospect Creek, crossing state, federal, and Native Corporation land, ending in the Ambler Mining District. Access would be restricted to industrial and commercial uses. While it would be closed to the general public, the road would allow deliveries of commercial goods to local communities and access for emergency responders.
Since first submitting applications in 2015, AIDEA has progressed this project through the extensive federal environmental review and permitting process. Over the past five years, federal agencies developed economic and environmental analyses, evaluated alternatives, and solicited and incorporated extensive public input. The Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) was published August 23, 2019, the Final EIS on March 27, and the final Record of Decision is due in mid-May.
These studies clearly describe the project’s benefit to Alaska’s economy: 365 jobs and from $280 million to $380 million in road construction spending, plus 80 year-round road maintenance jobs. Development of the Ambler district’s four major deposits would bring 2,777 direct jobs carrying a $286 million annual payroll, plus 2,034 indirect jobs carrying $108 million in payroll. AIDEA would finance road construction and maintenance by issuing bonds, earning back between $988 million and $1.1 billion – a positive return on investment for Alaskans.
The Ambler Road would greatly improve the possibility of developing known deposits of copper and other minerals in the Arctic and Bornite prospects and would support exploration for and discovery of new deposits. Deposits in the Ambler District hold key strategic minerals that are increasingly important to Alaska and the nation. Without the Ambler road, those minerals would remain stranded in the ground.
Like most Alaska development projects, the road inspires different opinions. Opponents claim a road would decimate caribou; that mines would poison water; that access would destroy Native culture; or that progress would drive out wilderness. Supporters note building roads brings jobs and a lower cost of living that benefits all area residents; mines could offer steady jobs and paychecks that compliment subsistence activities and allow local residents to stay in their communities; caribou thrive near existing construction and industrial projects; and millions of acres of nearby wilderness will remain untouched.
AIDEA has carefully followed the process and requirements laid out in ANILCA, the National Environmental Policy Act, the Clean Water Act, and other applicable federal laws. On the state side, the Alaska Department of Natural Resources’ Office of Project Management and Permitting has closely coordinated with federal and state agencies and other authorities to ensure the process meets legal, procedural and practical standards and milestones.
Following completion of the federal process, DNR will work with other state agencies to evaluate the proposed Ambler road under Alaska’s robust regulatory programs. Through this process, we will again hear from Alaskans as the agencies work to balance the possible impacts and benefits of the project.
Advancing the Ambler road project would fulfil both the state’s constitutional responsibility to develop Alaska’s economy, and AIDEA’s mission to promote, develop and advance economic growth and diversification in the state by providing financing and investment options.
I encourage all Alaskans interested in economic growth and diversification for our state to join me in supporting the continued progress on this important development project.
Corri A. Feige, Commissioner
Alaska Department of Natural Resources