How to make stovetop popcorn

Mmm, popcorn smells and tastes so good. Here is an easy recipe for you to try, especially if you want to make savory popcorn using the old fashioned method. It is a different way to make this favorite snack. You will need: A clean metal pot with a lid, cooking oil, popcorn kernel, a large bowl, salt and other seasonings.

Start by heating up your pot on the stove on high heat. Next add enough cooking oil to cover the bottom of your pot and a little extra more, about ¼ cup. The oil will heat up right away. Add about ¾ cup of your popcorn kernels to your heated oil right after you add the oil. One layer of kernels should cover the bottom of the pot. Put the cover on and give the pot a shake to move the kernels around. The kernels should start popping soon. Shake the pot again. The kernels will start popping nonstop. If the popcorn starts to overflow, quickly dump some out of your pot into the bowl. Cover and resume popping. When you hear them slowing down, turn the heat off. When there are no more pops, dump your cooked popcorn into a large bowl immediately. Don’t leave the popped corn in the pot. At this point, you can repeat the process to make another batch or be done. Season your popcorn with salt, garlic salt, butter or whatever you like.