by House District 38 Staff
March 2, 2018
Regular Session Reaches Halfway Mark
Dear Friends,
At day 45, we are halfway through the regular legislative session and the House Finance committee has taken up HB 286, the appropriation bill encompassing the operating budget for the state. The committee began hearing public testimony on the bill yesterday and will continue to hear public testimony through tomorrow’s committee meeting. These meetings are teleconferenced and you can watch the meetings by clicking on the meeting link for each day. Following public testimony the committee will begin consideration of amendments to the operating budget made by committee members.
We are thrilled to report March 9th is the date set for Rep. Tiffany Zulkosky to be sworn into office in Juneau, making this the last weekly transitional e-newsletter! Keep an eye out for regular e-newsletters to resume soon as well as additional information about how to contact Rep. Zulkosky directly.
Selected Legislative Updates
HB 176, Ground Emergency Medical Transport
This bill, sponsored by Rep. Wool, would allow emergency medical transport service providers to be reimbursed up to the full amount allowed by the federal government. Yesterday House Finance moved the bill out of committee. The next step for this bill is a vote on the House Floor.
HB 286, Approp: Operating Budget/Loans/Funds
This appropriations bill encompasses the operating budget for the State of Alaska. This bill is currently being considered by the House Finance committee and public testimony is being accepted by the committee through March 3rd.
Selected Regional Updates
Ice Road Plowed Bethel to Chuathbaluk
The ice road is plowed and ready for travel this week. The tribal transportation departments of Akiachak, Akiak, Lower Kalskag, Upper Kalskag, Aniak, Chuathbaluk, and Napaimute worked together to ensure the road got plowed. Bethel Search and Rescue has also said trails between Bethel/Napakiak and Bethel/Napaskiak are safe to travel provided drivers keep to the middle of the river.
•Elizabeth David of Bethel on her new position as First Alaskans Institute Finance Manager
•Newly sworn in CVRF Board members: Carlie Beebe of Eek, Sandra Tall-Lake of Hooper Bay, George Chuckwuk of Kipnuk, Jerry Ivon of Kongiganak, Nicholai Steven of Oscarville, Clarence Dull of Toksook Bay, Albert Williams of Mekoryuk, Clement George of Nightmute.
•Y-K Mushers qualified to participate in the Iditarod which starts this weekend: Mike Williams of Aniak, Richie Diehl of Aniak, Pete Kaiser of Bethel.
Please reach out to the District 38 office by email or phone and let us know about any legislative questions, comments, or concerns you may have. We will continue to serve the people of District 38 during this time of transition and are looking forward to having Rep. Tiffany Zulkosky in the office on March 9th to serve the people of District 38. Quyana.
-District 38 Legislative Staff: Michelle Sparck, Mary Aparezuk, Jill Yordy