Friends of The Kuskokwim Consortium Library Fund

Friends of the Library: Above are Jaela Milford at left, and Kuskokwim Consortium LIbrary Director Theresa Quiner. Photo by BCSF Staff

by Bethel Community Services Foundation Staff

Bethel Community Services Foundation is excited to announce the addition of the Friends of the Kuskokwim Consortium Library Fund to our growing family of funds.

The Friends of the Kuskokwim Consortium Library Fund was proposed to the Foundation by Theresa Quiner, library director. The local library raises money on an ongoing basis to support its activities – for example, to pay for a Jesuit Volunteer position housed at the library, to host book readings and signings, story hour events, and to supplement the collections budget for the library. The dollars raised will be accepted at BCSF and administered as a project fund.

Theresa Quiner explains, “Most of our funding comes from the University of Alaska Fairbanks for academic purposes to support the UAF Kuskokwim Campus. The vision of this fund is for the library to have non-discretionary funds to support public library activities such as programs and materials of interest to the community of Bethel.

According to Michelle DeWitt, the new library fund is a great match for BCSF.

“The library plays a critical role in our community and in the lives of many of our community members. I have been so impressed with the active, vibrant programming that is currently offered at the library – from activities for children to services for homeless adults. If you step into their space, you’ll find large numbers of people accessing the library,” DeWitt said. “We are excited about the library’s current vision and want to support library staff in their effort to deliver creative programs that meet local needs.”

Individuals, businesses and organizations are invited to make contributions to this important fund to support the innovative programming of our local library. Contributions can be made in a number of ways:

ONLINE: At, Click the Donate tab and choose “Friends of the Kuskokwim Consortium Library.”

IN-PERSON: Cash, check or credit card will be accepted at the library, which is located at the Yupiit Piciryarait Cultural Center or at the BCSF Office, located at 1795 Chief Eddie Hoffman Hwy.

MAIL: Checks made out to Bethel Community Services Foundation with “Library Fund” in the memo can be sent to BCSF at PO Box 2189, Bethel, AK 99559.

PHONE: Credit card contributions can be made by calling 907-543-1812.

To learn how to open a fund for a cause that you care about, or include a BCSF Fund in your estate/legacy plans, contact Michelle at [email protected].