For Sale:
Hitzer Amish built woodstoves. UHMW Plastic sled runners. 543-2379. (11)(3/1-cnx)
300 Gallon Plastic Water Tanks in stock. Call Shorty at Shorty’s Shop for pricing. 543-3158 or 545-3157 (19)(9/18-cnx)
For Sale: Plastic Water Tanks
Only 31” wide, 70” high, 74” long. 500 Gallons, easily connect two for 1000 gallons! Fits through most doors for easy installation. Contact Shorty for pricing and information (907) 545-3157. (35)(6/21-cnx)
4.9 Acres Fishcamp Land for Sale. 1-907-545-0103. (7)(5/19-cnx)
Haroldsen Estates view lot $21,000. 907-277-4608, Holitna acreage. (8)(12/8-cnx)
For Rent
Looking to Hire 2 Carpenters
Pay Rate D.O.E. Summer and Fall Season. Send your resume to [email protected]. More info to call listed phone number below.
Joe Pete/ Apollo Home Solutions, LLC, 907-545-6762 (32)(7/21-cnx)
Request for Proposals
The Lower Kuskokwim School District (LKSD) seeks proposals to furnish and install Verkada security equipment onto all exterior doors at the Bethel Regional High School (BRHS).
PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS may be obtained from:
Warren Nicolai,
Project Manager
Capital Projects
Lower Kuskokwim School District
Telephone: (907) 543-4967
PROPOSAL QUESTIONS should be emailed to Warren Nicolai, Project Manager at [email protected].
PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS must be emailed to Warren Nicolai at [email protected]
Proposals must be received by September 13, 2022 at 3:30 p.m. Once received, proposals will then be distributed to the Selection Committee for evaluation. This committee’s individual evaluations of the proposals will then be presented to the Contracting Officer when completed. Award of this proposal is anticipated to be announced within 15 calendar days of the submission date, although all offers must be complete and irrevocable for 60 days following the submission date.
Indian-Owned and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises are encouraged to respond. (161)(8/24-9/7)
Request for Quotes
The City of Bethel requests quotes from companies able to cut steel plates, install helicals in the ground using City equipment, and weld plates to helicals. See Request for Quotes document on the City’s website (www.cityofbethel.org) > Businesses > Request for Proposals & Request for Bids or by sending a request via e-mail to [email protected]. Quotes due September 2, 2022 at 4:00 pm. Work must be completed by November 15, 2022. (71)(8/24-31)
Public Notice
VFW MEMBERSHIP Freedom isn’t free, and millions of Americans have paid the price for the freedom we enjoy today. Since 1899, the Veterans of Foreign Wars has served those who served America. From writing veterans legislation and then leading the fight to get it through Congress, to community projects that benefit all Americans, the VFW is an opportunity for veterans to continue to serve. Contact the VFW Robert V. Lindsey Post #10041 at 543-2241 and ask what you can do for your community. (83)(3/26-cnx)
Bureau of Land Management
AA-9412, AA-9413, AA-9421, AA-9623, AA-9661, AA-9663, AA-9690, AA-9707, AA-9721, AA-9740, AA-9894
Alaska Native Claims Selection
Notice of Decision Approving Lands for Conveyance
As required by 43 CFR 2650.7(d), notice is hereby given that an appealable decision will be issued by the Bureau of Land Management to Calista Corporation. The decision approves conveyance of the surface estate in the lands described below pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601, et seq.), as amended. Ownership of the subsurface estate will be retained by the United States. The lands are located within the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge, in the following townships, and aggregate 78.31 acres: T. 15 N., R. 86 W., Seward Meridian (SM); T. 10 N., R. 88 W., SM; T. 15 N., R. 88 W., SM; T. 17 N., R. 88 W., SM; T. 18 N., R. 88 W., SM; T. 10 N., R. 89 W., SM; and T. 12 N., R. 89 W., SM.
Notice of the decision was published in the Federal Register on August 3, 2022.
Any party claiming a property interest in the lands affected by the decision may appeal the decision within the following time limits:
1. Unknown parties, parties unable to be located after reasonable efforts have been expended to locate, parties who fail or refuse to sign their return receipt, and parties who receive a copy of the decision by regular mail, which is not certified, return receipt requested, shall have until September 2, 2022 to file an appeal.
2. Parties receiving service of the decision by certified mail shall have 30 days from the date of receipt to file an appeal.
Parties who do not file an appeal in accordance with the requirements of 43 CFR Part 4, Subpart E, shall be deemed to have waived their rights. Notices of appeal transmitted by facsimile will not be accepted as timely filed.
A copy of the decision may be obtained from:
Bureau of Land Management
Alaska State Office
222 West Seventh Avenue, #13
Anchorage, Alaska 99513-7504
For further information, contact the Bureau of Land Management at 907-271-5960 or [email protected]. Individuals in the United States who are deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability may dial 711 (TTY, TDD, or TeleBraille) to access telecommunications relay services. Individuals outside the United States should use the relay services offered within their country to make international calls to the point of contact in the United States.
/s/ Abby Muth
Abby Muth
Land Law Examiner
Adjudication Section
Copy furnished to:
Public Information Center (9543)(431)(8/10-31)
Bureau of Land Management
[AA-9350, AA-9351, AA-9360, AA-9365, AA-9366, AA-9367, AA-9369, AA-9370, AA-9378, AA-9380, AA-9382, AA-9383, AA-9384, AA-9385, AA-9386, AA-9388, AA-11263, AA-11565]
Alaska Native Claims Selection
Notice of Decision Approving Lands for Conveyance
As required by 43 CFR 2650.7(d), notice is hereby given that the Bureau of Land Management will issue an appealable decision to Calista Corporation. The decision approves conveyance of the surface and subsurface estates in certain lands pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. The lands are located within the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge, in the following townships, and aggregate 224.53 acres: T. 30 N., R., 76 W., Seward Meridian (SM); T. 30 N., R., 78 W., SM; T. 23 N., R. 85 W., SM; T. 24 N., R. 85 W., SM; T. 25 N., R., 85 W., SM; T. 24 N., R., 86 W., SM; T. 25 N., R., 86 W., SM; and T. 24 N., R., 88 W., SM.
Notice of the decision was published in the Federal Register on August 3, 2022.
Any party claiming a property interest in the lands affected by the decision may appeal the decision within the following time limits:
1. Unknown parties, parties unable to be located after reasonable efforts have been expended to locate, parties who fail or refuse to sign their return receipt, and parties who receive a copy of the decision by regular mail which is not certified, return receipt requested, shall have until September 2, 2022 to file an appeal.
2. Parties receiving service of the decision by certified mail shall have 30 days from the date of receipt to file an appeal.
Parties who do not file an appeal in accordance with the requirements of 43 CFR Part 4, Subpart E, shall be deemed to have waived their rights. Notices of appeal transmitted by facsimile will not be accepted as timely filed.
A copy of the decision may be obtained from:
Bureau of Land Management
Alaska State Office
222 West Seventh Avenue, #13
Anchorage, Alaska 99513-7504
For further information, contact the Bureau of Land Management at 907-271-5960 or by email at [email protected]. Individuals in the United States who are deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability may dial 711 (TTY, TDD, or TeleBraille) to access telecommunications relay services. Individuals outside the United States should use the relay services offered within their country to make international calls to the point of contact in the United States.
/s/ Matthew R. Lux
Land Law Examiner
Adjudication Section
Copy furnished to:
Public Information Center (9543)(426)(8/10-31)
Bureau of Land Management
AA-9803, AA-9808, AA-9809, AA-9817, AA-9821, AA-9822, AA-9832, AA-10002, AA-10005, AA-10021, AA-10022, AA-11223, and AA-11738
Alaska Native Claims Selection
Notice of Decision Approving Lands for Conveyance
As required by 43 CFR 2650.7(d), notice is hereby given that the Bureau of Land Management will issue an appealable decision to Calista Corporation. The decision will approve the conveyance of the surface estate in certain lands pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (43 U.S.C. 1601, et seq.), as amended. Ownership of the subsurface estate will be retained by the United States. The lands aggregate 85.14 acres and are located within the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge in the following townships: T. 13 N., R. 83 W., Seward Meridian (SM); T. 3 N., R. 85 W., SM; T. 12 N., R. 85 W., SM; T. 13 N., R. 85 W., SM; T. 2 S., R. 86 W., SM; T. 15 N., R. 90 W., SM; T. 15 N., R. 92 W., SM.
Notice of the decision was published in the Federal Register on August 3, 2022.
Any party claiming a property interest in the lands affected by the decision may appeal the decision within the following time limits:
1. Unknown parties, parties unable to be located after reasonable efforts have been expended to locate, parties who fail or refuse to sign their return receipt, and parties who receive a copy of the decision by regular mail which is not certified, return receipt requested, shall have until September 2, 2022 to file an appeal.
2. Parties receiving service of the decision by certified mail shall have 30 days from the date of receipt to file an appeal.
Parties who do not file an appeal in accordance with the requirements of 43 CFR Part 4, Subpart E, shall be deemed to have waived their rights. Notices of appeal transmitted by facsimile will not be accepted as timely filed.
A copy of the decision may be obtained from:
Bureau of Land Management
Alaska State Office
222 West Seventh Avenue, #13
Anchorage, Alaska 99513-7504
For further information, contact the Bureau of Land Management at 907-271-5960 or by email at [email protected]. Individuals in the United States who are deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability may dial 711 (TTY, TDD, or TeleBraille) to access telecommunications relay services. Individuals outside the United States should use the relay services offered within their country to make international calls to the point of contact in the United States.
/s/ Rebecca Curtiss
Rebecca Curtiss
Land Law Examiner
Branch of Adjudication
Copy furnished to:
Public Information Center (9543)(435)(8/10-31)
Bureau of Land Management
AA-9626, AA-9726, AA-9747, AA-9748, AA-9750, AA-9794, AA-9874, AA-9877, AA-9883, AA-9976, AA-10024, AA-10092, AA-11743
Alaska Native Claims Selection
Notice of Decision Approving Lands for Conveyance
As required by 43 CFR 2650.7(d), notice is hereby given that the Bureau of Land Management will issue an appealable decision to Calista Corporation. The decision will approve the conveyance of the surface and subsurface estates in certain lands pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. The lands aggregate 79.08 acres and are located within the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge T. 18 N., R. 71 W., Seward Meridian (SM); T. 19 N., R. 72 W., SM; T. 19 N., R. 73 W., SM; T. 5 N., R. 76 W., SM; T. 21 N., R. 77 W., SM; T. 20 N., R. 78 W., SM; T. 26 N., R. 82 W., SM; T. 21 N., R. 83 W., SM; T. 26 N., R. 84 W., SM; T. 16 N., R. 86 W., SM; T. 16 N., R. 87 W., SM; T. 20 N., R. 87 W., SM; T. 24 N., R. 87 W., SM.
Notice of the decision was published in the Federal Register on August 3, 2022.
Any party claiming a property interest in the lands affected by the decision may appeal the decision within the following time limits:
1. Unknown parties, parties unable to be located after reasonable efforts have been expended to locate, parties who fail or refuse to sign their return receipt, and parties who receive a copy of the decision by regular mail, which is not certified, return receipt requested, shall have until September 2, 2022, to file an appeal.
2. Parties receiving service of the decision by certified mail shall have 30 days from the date of receipt to file an appeal.
Parties who do not file an appeal in accordance with the requirements of 43 CFR Part 4, Subpart E, shall be deemed to have waived their rights. Notices of appeal transmitted by facsimile will not be accepted as timely filed.
A copy of the decision may be obtained from:
Bureau of Land Management
Alaska State Office
222 West Seventh Avenue, #13
Anchorage, Alaska 99513-7504
For further information, contact the Bureau of Land Management at 907-271-5960 or by email at [email protected]. Individuals in the United States who are deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability may dial 711 (TTY, TDD, or TeleBraille) to access telecommunications relay services. Individuals outside the United States should use the relay services offered within their country to make international calls to the point of contact in the United States.
/s/ Rolando R. Masvidal
Land Law Examiner
Branch of Adjudication
Copy furnished to:
Public Information Center (9543)(454)(8/10-31)
ONC Public Disclosure Notice
The Orutsararmiut Native Council (ONC) will be submitting its 2023 Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA) Indian Housing Plan (IHP) on or about October 6th, 2022. A Draft copy of the plan is available at the ONC Offices, located at 117 Alex Hately Drive. Comment period deadline is September 26th, 2022.
If any ONC tribal member, official or other member of the public has comments or questions, they may be directed to Calvin Cockroft, ONC Tribal Housing Administrator, 543-2608. (85)(8/24-9/14)
August 19, 2022
Bethel Broadcasting, Inc. will be holding a community meeting Thursday, September 15 at 6:00 p.m. at KYUK located at 640 Radio Street in Bethel. This is an informational meeting regarding erecting a new AM radio tower at their existing AM radio tower site on BIA road in Bethel; Tract 47 and 49, Section 14 and 15, Township 8 North, Range 72 West, Seward Meridian. The proposed structure is a 3-guy tower with a 180 ft. radius and 240 ft. height with an FAA approved lighting system and will sit at least 580 ft. from the closest road, BIA road. The new tower will provide the same AM radio services to KYUK’s 640AM’s existing service areas.
For additional information please contact Bethel Broadcasting, Inc., 907-543-3131, P.O. Box 468 Bethel, AK 99559. (135)(8/24-31)