Hitzer Amish built woodstoves. JHMW Plastic sled runners. 543-2379. (11)(3/1-cnx)
300 Gallon Plastic Water Tanks in stock. Call Shorty at Shorty’s Shop for pricing. 543-3158 or 545-3157 (19)(9/18-cnx)
18’ SSV Lund with 60 hp high thrust Yamaha 20 inch shaft. About 150 hours on motor, maintained well with no problems. In excellent condition. Lund boat reinforced side and motor mount, no leaks. Minor dents. Asking $11,000. Email me at [email protected]. (42)(12/23-cnx)
For Sale: 10’ x 20’ Walk In cooler/freezer, unassembled. Complete with 6” floor, ceiling, wall panels & foundation beams. 4’ door, 240V compressor, evaporators. Make an offer. Ron Kaiser 545-4936. (30)(6/8-cnx)
House for Sale
24×24, freshly remodeled, 1 bedroom. Must be moved. 545-1890. (12)(9/21-cnx)
•3 EA. 40 FT. 8X8 USED
543-2402 (34)(8/9-cnx)
Steambath for Sale at a reduced price! $10,000 $8,500. Contact Shorty 545-3157. (12)(6/21-cnx)
For Sale: Plastic Water Tanks
Only 31” wide, 70” high, 74” long. 500 Gallons, easily connect two for 1000 gallons! Fits through most doors for easy installation. Contact Shorty for pricing and information (907) 545-3157. (35)(6/21-cnx)
Equipment for Sale
1984 KALMAR LMV28-1200 HD Mast Forklift;
1990 Ford Aeromax LT 9000 Tractor (blue), SWB Tandem, CAT DSL, 10 Spd STD, dual tanks, good rubber;
Steel Flat Deck Barge “OBI”;
Steel River Tug/Pushboat “M/V AKI”. All located in Bethel. For more information call Dave at 907-545-1959 or 907-892-8496. (50)(8/9-cnx)
For Rent
1,350 sq/ft office/commercial space for rent. Excellent space in very nice well-maintained building located next to Arctic Chiropractic at Alex Hately on Chief Eddie Hoffman Highway. Available starting in October. $3,750/mo for building. $4,000/mo for building and garage. Call Chris 543-7600. (43)(9/30-cnx)
Yupik phone interpreter position available. Flexible schedules, work from home. Call 1-855-CYRAJOB or visit careers.cyracom.com/ic (15)(8/30)
Real Estate
For Sale 23,500 square foot lot/downtown location on Chief Eddie Hoffman Highway (or State Highway) across from Fire Station. Serious offers only. 907-543-3552. (23)(7/28-cnx)
235 Mission Lake RD
12820 FT all filled and leveled with 2 buildings. One 22 by 34, 1496 sf 3plex. One 30 by 56, 1680 sf 3 plex. 545-0929. (29)(9/21-cnx)
For Sale 630 PTARMIGAN STREET Commercial Lot. $165,000.
630 PTARMIGAN STREET Commercial Lot 15000 SF completely filled. Also a 24 x 56 4plex can be moved to it. 1900 SF building 545-0929. (24)(4/12-cnx)
For Sale: 275 Schwalbe (10-Plex)
1- 1 bedroom
9- 2 bedrooms
New water/sewer system. Well water. 3000 gallon sewer tank. Central Heat (new). Appraised value plus City Sales tax. For more information please call Irv Kreider at 545-4312 (38)(8/23-cnx)
Home for Sale – 350 Alder St. 2 story; 1 bdrm, I bath, log home. House is 1,369 sq.ft; lot is 20,384 sq.ft. Asking only $70,000; or $5k down & assume loan. REMAX Dynamic Properties 907-545-1944.
Home for Sale – 9114 Ptarmigan 2 bdrm home, natural lighting; large arctic entry, walk-in pantry, toyo heat, nice corner lot; $245,000 REMAX Dynamic Properties 907-545-1944.
Home for Sale in Blueberry Subdivision: 156 Cranberry St. Price dropped! $289,000 – 1,536 sq.ft., 4 bdrm,. 2 full baths, new windows & interior doors; new counter tops; Call REMAX Dynamic Properties 907-545-1944.
Filled Lot for Sale in St. Mary’s -$24,000; 8,494 sq. ft. gravel filled lot with driveway; located near the school on Panik St. REMAX Dynamic Properties 907-545-1944. (120)(8/30)
Request for Proposals
The City of Bethel seeks proposals from qualified companies interested in providing municipal engineer & planning services. See the Request for Proposals document by visiting the City’s website (www.cityofbethel.org) > Business > Request for Proposals/Bids, by sending a request via e-mail to Jim Chevigny ([email protected]), or by faxing 907-543-5294. Proposals are due September 13, 2017 at 4:00 pm. (58)(8/30)
Public Notice
VFW MEMBERSHIP Freedom isn’t free, and millions of Americans have paid the price for the freedom we enjoy today. Since 1899, the Veterans of Foreign Wars has served those who served America. From writing veterans legislation and then leading the fight to get it through Congress, to community projects that benefit all Americans, the VFW is an opportunity for veterans to continue to serve. Contact the VFW Robert V. Lindsey Post #10041 at 543-2241 and ask what you can do for your community. (83)(3/26-cnx)
Public Notice of Intent to File Application:
USDA, Rural Development requires that all applicants applying for loan or grant assistance from the agency must publish or post a Notice of Intent to File an Application within 60 days of filing their application.
The Organized Village of Kwethluk – Kwethluk IRA Council is applying for a financial assistance under the Rural Development Water and Waste Disposal System for Rural Communities program.
Any written comments regarding this application should be provided within (15) days of this publication to USDA, Rural Development, or for additional information please contact Organized Village of Kwethluk – Kwethluk IRA Council Tribal Environmental Department (EPA/IGAP) at P.O. Box 130, Kwethluk, Alaska 99621 or telephone (907) 757-6714/6715 or Rural Development at 800 W. Evergreen, Suite 201, Palmer, Alaska 99645 or telephone (907) 761-7705. (132)(7/26-9/13)
ONC Public Disclosure Notice
The Orutsararmiut Native Council (ONC) will be submitting its 2018 Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA) Indian Housing Plan (IHP) on or about October 5th, 2017. A Draft copy of the plan is available at the ONC Offices, located at 117 Alex Hately Drive. Comment period deadline is September 23, 2017.
If any ONC tribal member, official or other member of the public has commentes or questions, they may be directed to Calvin Cockroft, ONC Tribal Housing Administrator, 543-2608.(85)(8/23-9/13)
Chevak Native Village
P.O. Box 140
Chevak, AK 99563
Ph. (907) 858-7428 Fax (907) 858-7819
To absent parent of T. M. S., address unknown; Chevak Native Village Tribe is in the process of adopting T. M. S., D. O. B. 11/27/2016. Contact Chevak Native Village Tribe for further information. You are hereby noticed the adoption hearing set for September 2017. You have the right to appear in person or telephonically. To appear telephonically, call (907) 858-7428 or you may write to Chevak Native Village, P.O. Box 140, Chevak, AK 99563.(90)(8/23-9/15)
Final Notice and Public Explanation of a Proposed Activity in a Floodplain or Wetland
To: All interested Agencies, Groups and Individuals
This is to give notice that the Alaska Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has conducted an evaluation as required by Executive Order 11988 and/or 11990, to determine the potential affect that its activity in the wetland will have on the human environment for the Indian Housing Block Grant under HUD grant 55IH0202000 and the Tribal Housing Activities Loan Guarantee Program (Title VI). The proposed project is located Lots 3 and 4, Block 2, Atmautluak Church Lane Road Subdivision Addition Number I in Atmautluak, Alaska. The proposed project activities include the construction of 2 single family housing units for an estimated total of 2 acres of wetland.
HUD has considered alternatives and mitigation measures to be taken to minimize adverse impacts and to restore and preserve natural and beneficial values and all mitigation measure to be taken to minimize adverse impacts and to restore and preserve natural and beneficial values. HUD acknowledges compliance with state and local wetland protection procedures.
HUD has reevaluated the alternatives to building in the wetland and has determined that it has no practicable alternative. Environmental files that document compliance with steps 3 through 6 of Executive Order 11988 and/or 11990, are available for public inspection, review and copying upon request at the times and location delineated in the last paragraph of this notice for receipt of comments. This activity will have no significant impact on the environment by the determination of the Army Corp of Engineers that a DA permit is not required based on the proposed work.
There are three primary purposes for this notice. First, people who may be affected by activities in wetlands and those who have an interest in the protection of the natural environment should be given an opportunity to express their concerns and provide information about these areas. Second, an adequate public notice program can be an important public educational tool. The dissemination of information about wetlands can facilitate and enhance Federal efforts to reduce the risks associated with the occupancy and modification of these special areas. Third, as a matter of fairness, when the Federal government determines it will participate in actions taking place in wetlands, it must inform those who may be put at greater risk or continued risk.
Written comments must be received by HUD or the Association of Village Council Presidents Regional Housing Authority (AVCPRHA) at the following address on or before September 5, 2017;
Housing and Urban Development, Attention: Bill Zachares, Administrator, 3000 C Street, Suite 401, Anchorage, Alaska 99503, phone 907-677-9877
AVCPRHA, Attention: Mark Charlie, President, 405 Ptarmigan Road, PO Box 767, Bethel, Alaska 99559, phone 907-543-3121, during the hours of 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Comments may also be submitted via email at [email protected] or [email protected]. (475)(8/30)
Early Notice and Public Review of a Proposed Activity in a Floodplain/Wetland
To: All interested Agencies, Groups and Individuals
This is to give notice that the Alaska Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has conducted an evaluation as required by Executive Order 11988 and/or 11990, to determine the potential affect that its activity in the wetland will have on the human environment for the Indian Housing Block Grant under HUD grant 55IH0202000 and the Tribal Housing Activities Loan Guarantee Program (Title VI). The proposed project is a road access approximately 1400 linear feet long and 18 linear feet wide, originating from the southeastern EIN easement 6A-C4 (airport) to parcel KUK R87-P1 continuing to parcel USS 8457 in Kasigluk, Alaska, for an estimated total of 12 acres of wetland.
There are three primary purposes for this notice. First, people who may be affected by activities in wetlands and those who have an interest in the protection of the natural environment should be given an opportunity to express their concerns and provide information about these areas. Second, an adequate public notice program can be an important public educational tool. The dissemination of information about wetlands can facilitate and enhance Federal efforts to reduce the risks associated with the occupancy and modification of these special areas. Third, as a matter of fairness, when the Federal government determines it will participate in actions taking place in wetlands, it must inform those who may be put at greater or continued risk.
Written comments must be received by HUD or the Association of Village Council Presidents Regional Housing Authority (AVCPRHA) at the following addresses on or before September 15, 2017;
AVCPRHA, Attention: Mark Charlie, President, 405 Ptarmigan Road, PO Box 767, Bethel, Alaska 99559, phone 907-543-3121, during the hours of 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Housing and Urban Development, Attention: Bill Zachares, Administrator, 3000 C Street, Suite 401, Anchorage, Alaska 99503, phone 907-677-9877
Comments may also be submitted via email at [email protected] or [email protected]. (328)(8/30)