Houses for Sale – 20% Price Reduction on all houses!
Must be moved. Call Shorty at 907-545-3157 for prices. (18)(6/2-cnx)
For Sale:
Hitzer Amish built woodstoves. UHMW Plastic sled runners. 543-2379. (11)(3/1-cnx)
300 Gallon Plastic Water Tanks in stock. Call Shorty at Shorty’s Shop for pricing. 543-3158 or 545-3157 (19)(9/18-cnx)
For Sale: Plastic Water Tanks
Only 31” wide, 70” high, 74” long. 500 Gallons, easily connect two for 1000 gallons! Fits through most doors for easy installation. Contact Shorty for pricing and information (907) 545-3157. (35)(6/21-cnx)
4.9 Acres Fishcamp Land for Sale. 1-907-545-0103. (7)(5/19-cnx)
Haroldsen Estates view lot $21,000. 907-277-4608, Holitna acreage. (8)(12/8-cnx)

For Sale: Small House 22 by 20 must be moved $14000. 545-0929 (12)(3/3-cnx)
For Rent
Looking to Hire 2 Carpenters
Pay Rate D.O.E. Summer and Fall Season. Send your resume to [email protected]. More info to call listed phone number below.
Joe Pete/ Apollo Home Solutions, LLC, 907-545-6762 (32)(7/21-cnx)
AVCP Regional Housing Authority is looking for qualifying applicants for the following:
ERAP Coordinator
Director of Program Administration
Inventory Control Specialist
Compliance Officer
Open until filled
Contact our office at (907)543-3121 or email [email protected] for a full job description and a job application. (43)(5/4-25)
Request for Proposals
The Association of Village Council Presidents Regional Housing Authority (AVCP RHA) is accepting written proposals to conduct an Annual Evaluation as required under 24CFR part 1000 for Self-Monitoring and Evaluation of AVCP RHA, Tribally Designed Housing Entity (TDHE) in the AVCP region.
AVCP RHA will receive sealed proposals in duplicate. The proposal as described herein must be submitted no later than July 15, 2022 at 3:00 PM, Alaska Standard Time, at the office of AVCP RHA, 411 Ptarmigan Street, P.O. Box 767, Bethel, AK 99559.
For a copy of the RFP contact Susan Pleasant, Administrative Assistant, CEO and Board, at (907) 543-3121. (105)(5/4-7/6)
TO: Potential Construction bidders
FROM: Administration Office
Bethel Family Clinic
631 4th Avenue
P.O. Box 1908
Bethel, AK 99559
M. Enayet U Chowdhury (Enam), BBA, MBA
Chief Executive Officer/ Executive Director
Bethel Family Clinic
6314th Avenue, P.O. Box 1908
Bethel, AK 99559
Or via email: [email protected]
ACTION REQUIRED: RFP (request for proposal) for building construction for Bethel Family Clinic: – 631 4th Ave (Administration and behavioral health)
INTRODUCTION: Bethel Family Clinic is a Federally Qualified Health Center which receives HHS funding and has Federal Public Health Services (PHS) deemed status with respect to certain health or health related claims, including medical malpractice claims, for itself and its covered individuals. The service area is in the Yukon and Kuskokwim Delta area located in remote Southwestern Alaska. The Bethel/Kusilvak census units cover 87,828 square miles.
PROJECT GOAL: Bethel Family Clinic submits this request for proposals for Infrastructure Support and is accepting proposals in response to this request.
Our goals are:
1. Building constructions for 6314th Avenue: –
Check/repair/upgrade building foundation. Building foundation raise and leveling. ADA compliant entrance and parking lot. ADA compliant restrooms. Check/repair/upgrade zone values. Other ADA compliant improvements for the building. Check/repair/upgrade water tank room. Check/repair/upgrade all plumbing. Check/repair/upgrade all electrical fixtures/switches. Check/repair locks and properly secure all entry doors of the building. Potential setup of Dental facility to the second floor of the building.
INSPECTION: All potential bidders are allowed to inspect the above mentioned 1 (one) location during the following day and times. Appointments must be made 48 hours in advance with Mr. Shadi Rabi, Operations Director who can be reached at 907-543-9858 or [email protected].
Tuesday: 10a to 11a. 3p to 4p.
Wednesday: 10a to 11a. 3p to 4p.
Thursday: 10a to 11a. 3p to 4p.
All other inquiries from prospective bidders shall be made in writing and submitted to Mr. Shadi Rabi at [email protected]. Please reference “Request for Proposal No. 0503202211 in the subject line of the email.
1. Request for Proposal submission due date May 20, 2022.
2. Selection of top bidders/unsuccessful bidders: May 30, 2022.
3. Start of negotiation: May 31st, 2022.
4. Contract Award: June 10, 2022
BUDGET: Total project cost not to exceed $538,951 (Five Hundred Thirty-Eight Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty-One Dollars}.
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: The following submission guidelines apply to this request for
1. First and foremost, only qualified individuals or firms with prior experience on projects such as this should submit proposals in response to this request for proposal.
2. Bidders intent on submitting a proposal should provide their bid no later than close of business (5:00 p.m.) on May 20th via email to [email protected] and reference “Request for Proposal No. 05032022” in the subject line of the email.
3. Bidders must list at least 2 (two} projects that are substantially similar to this project as part of their response, including references for each. Examples of work should be provided as well.
4. A technical proposal must be provided that is not more than 1 (one) page. This technical proposal must provide an overview of the proposed solution as well as resumes of all key personnel performing the work. In addition, the technical proposal should provide a proposal schedule and milestone’s as applicable.
5. A price proposal must be provided that is no more than 1 (one) page. The price proposal should indicate the overall cost breakdown for the project.
6. Proposal must be signed by a team member who is authorized to commit on behalf of the bidding company.
7. lf the bidder has a standard set of terms and conditions please submit them with the bid proposal. All terms and conditions are subject to negotiation.
8. Proposal must remain valid for a period of 90 (ninety) days.
9. Bethel Family Clinic anticipates selecting at least 2 (two) individuals or firms to have more in depth discussions with and walk around the facility, and will make an award to one of those “down-selected” individuals or firms.
1. Employees of Bethel Family Clinic will not participate in the request for proposal selection process when those employees have a relationship with a person or business entity submitting a proposal. Any person or business entity submitting a proposal who has such a relationship with an employee of Bethel Family Clinic who may be involved in the selection process shall advise of the name of the employee in their proposal.
2. Proposals may be evaluated using the following criteria (note that there is no value or ranking implied in the order of this list): demonstrated ability to perform the services described; experience; qualifications and expertise; budget; a demonstrated history of providing similar services; completeness of proposal; the locality of the proposer; and any other factors the evaluation committee deems relevant.
3. Bethel Family Clinic reserves the right, in their sole discretion, to take any of the following actions: waive informalities or minor irregularities in any proposals received, reject proposals, cancel this request for proposal, notice changes to deadlines, or modify and re-issue this request for proposal. Failure to furnish all information requested or to follow the format requested herein may disqualify the proposer, in the sole discretion of Bethel Family Clinic. False, incomplete, misleading or unresponsive statements in a proposal may also be sufficient cause for a proposal’s rejection.
4. Bethel Family Clinic may, during the evaluation process, request from any proposer additional information which it deems necessary to determine the proposer’s ability to perform the required services. If such information is requested, the proposer shall be permitted three (3) business days to submit the information requested.
5. Expenditures from this contract involve federal funds. As part of its request for proposal, Bidders shall attest and affirm that none of its principals, corporate officers, employees, or agents are listed on the General Services Administration’s List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement or Nonprocurement Programs. Additionally, bidders shall attest and affirm that none of its principals, corporate officers, employees, or agent’s entities have been debarred or suspended from doing business with the federal government. Bidders shall submit a signed copy of Appendix A to their bid.
6. Insurance: Proposals shall include a statement that the bidder has and will maintain in force at all times during the performance of services under this contract, the following policies of insurance: Workers’ Compensation Insurance; and Commercial General Liability Insurance. Proposals shall also include coverage amounts and the name of the insurer(s). Proposals shall also include proof of insurance necessary to operate under Bethel Municipal Code.
7. Prevailing bidder will accept contract provisions in accordance with the American Rescue Plan Act (P.L. 117-2)(if required), Health Resources and Services Administration statutory requirements (if required), 45 CFR Part 75, Federal HHS Grants Policy Statements, and Federal Award Performance Goals.
8. In connection with the provision of services, Bethel Family Clinic and successful bidder will agree to comply with the following federal requirements, to the extent that such requirements are applicable. Successful Bidder shall notify the Bethel Family Clinic immediately if it has reason to believe that there may have been a violation of any of the following provisions:
i. Equal Employment Opportunity-E.O. 11246, “Equal Employment Opportunity,” as amended by E.O. 11375, “Amending Executive Order 11246 Relating to Equal Employment Opportunity,” and as supplemented by regulations at 41 CFR part 60, “Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor.” The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all other federal, state or local laws, rules and orders prohibiting discrimination.
ii. Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment (31 U.S.C. 1352, see also 45 C.F.R. part 82 and part 93) if Contract is for amount in excess of $100,000, Successful Bidder agrees to file the required certification with the Bethel Family Clinic. Each tier certifies to the tier above that it will not and has not used federal appropriated funds to pay any person or organization for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any federal agency, a member of Congress, officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress in connection with obtaining any federal contract, grant or any other award covered by 31 U.S.C. 1352. Each tier shall also disclose any lobbying with non-federal funds that takes place in connection with obtaining any federal award. Such disclosures are forwarded from tier to tier up to the recipient.
Thanks, and best regards,
M. Enayet U. Chowdhury (Enam)p, BBA, MBA
Chief Executive Officer/ Executive Director
By signing and submitting this proposal to Bethel Family Clinic; the prospective bidder certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief that:
1. none of its principals, corporate officers; employees, or agents are listed on the General Services Administration’s List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement or Nonprocurement Programs.
2. none of its principals, corporate officers, employees, or agent’s entities are presently debarred; suspended; proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in Federal Contracting by any federal department or agency.
The prospective bidder further agrees by submitting this proposal that it will include this Appendix A without modification in all lower tier transactions in the event of contract award.
Authorized Signature Date (1551)(5/11-18)
Public Notice
VFW MEMBERSHIP Freedom isn’t free, and millions of Americans have paid the price for the freedom we enjoy today. Since 1899, the Veterans of Foreign Wars has served those who served America. From writing veterans legislation and then leading the fight to get it through Congress, to community projects that benefit all Americans, the VFW is an opportunity for veterans to continue to serve. Contact the VFW Robert V. Lindsey Post #10041 at 543-2241 and ask what you can do for your community. (83)(3/26-cnx)
Final Notice and Public Review of a Proposed Activity in a Wetland
To: All interested Agencies, Groups and Individuals
This is to give you notice that the Yukon‐Kuskokwim Health Corporation (YKHC) has conducted an evaluation required by Executive Order 11990, to determine the potential affect that its activity in the wetland will have on the human environment for the Qavartarvik Customer Lodging (QCL) project under ARPA funds. The QCL project consist of constructing a new 3‐story, approximately 80,000 SF facility that provides transient and supplemental housing for patients, family, visitors, staff, consultants, and employees. The facility includes 109 sleeping rooms. The QCL project will be constructed on .95‐acres of wetlands. The proposed project is located at 900 Chief Eddie Hoffman Highway in Bethel, Alaska.
YKHC has considered the following alternatives and mitigation measures to be taken to minimize adverse impacts and to restore and preserve natural and beneficial Values by constructing the QCL. YKHC recognizes that the proposed action will occur within wetlands and that YKHC has determined that the site is the only practicable alternative for the project. There is little to no surrounding land available that is located outside of a wetland. YKHC will comply with all state and/or local wetlands protection standards.
YKHC has reevaluated the alternative to building in a wetland and has determined that there is no practicable alternative. Environmental files that document compliance with steps 3 through 6 of Executive Order 11990, are available for public inspection, review and copying upon request at the times and location delineated in the last paragraph of this notice for receipt of comments. This activity will have no significant impact on the environment for the following reasons:
Bethel is located within a wetland and the project will take place within fully developed areas inside the community of Bethel and will not have wetland impacts.
There are three primary purposes for this notice. First, people who may be affected by activities in wetlands and those who have an interest in the protection of the natural environment should be given an opportunity to express their concerns and provide information about these areas. Second, an adequate public notice program can be an important public educational tool. The dissemination of information about wetlands can facilitate and enhance Federal efforts to reduce the risks associated with the occupancy and modification of these special areas. Third, as a matter of fairness, when the Federal government determines it will participate in actions taking place in wetlands, it must inform those who may be put at greater of continued risk.
Written comments on the proposed action and potential impacts to wetlands must be submitted to the following address on or before May 28, 2022. (15 Days after publication in The Delta Discovery): Yukon‐Kuskokwim Health Corporation, Attn: Russell Pollock, Capital Projects Director, P.O. Box 2265 Bethel, AK 99559, (907)543‐6558 during the hours of 8:00AM to 5:00PM. Comments may also be submitted via email at [email protected].
Date: May 13, 2022 (492)(5/18-25)