Hitzer Amish built woodstoves. UHMW Plastic sled runners. 543-2379. (11)(3/1-cnx)
300 Gallon Plastic Water Tanks in stock. Call Shorty at Shorty’s Shop for pricing. 543-3158 or 545-3157 (19)(9/18-cnx)
For Sale: Plastic Water Tanks
Only 31” wide, 70” high, 74” long. 500 Gallons, easily connect two for 1000 gallons! Fits through most doors for easy installation. Contact Shorty for pricing and information (907) 545-3157. (35)(6/21-cnx)
For Rent
Real Estate
For Sale 23,500 square foot lot/downtown location on Chief Eddie Hoffman Highway (or State Highway) across from Fire Station. Serious offers only. 907-543-3552. (23)(7/28-cnx)
City Manager
Deadline: Open until filled
Position Objectives:
$125,000 – $142,055
** This is an interim vacancy opportunity that will be filled by the respective candidate on a temporary basis until a permanent candidate is selected**
The City Manager is the Chief Administrative Officer of the City of Bethel, population 6,200, and is appointed by and reports to the City Council. The City Manager performs all duties and assumes all responsibilities required by Alaska Statues and the Bethel Municipal Code. The position is responsible for various operational areas including police, fire, public works, a water and sewer utility, port, human resources and planning and zoning. The City of Bethel is located on the Kuskokwim River, 480 miles from Alaska’s road system.
Duties and Responsibilities:
•Direct the development and implementation of the City’s goals, objectives, and priorities.
•Oversee the development and administration of the City budget; approve the forecast of funds needed for staffing, equipment, materials and supplies; approve expenditures and implement budgetary adjustments as appropriate and necessary; advise Council of financial conditions, program progress, and current and future needs of the City.
•Serve as Public Information Officer for the City, represent the City to outside agencies; coordinate City activities with those of other communities, outside agencies and organizations.
•Perform all duties as may be prescribed by City Council action; responsible for the preparation of plans and specifications for work that the City Council direct.
•Assess ongoing operational needs and determine best organizational structure to meet the City’s goals and objectives.
•Plan, direct, and coordinate the work plan for the City; assign projects and programmatic areas of responsibility; review and evaluate work methods and procedures.
•Direct and supervise the administration of all departments, offices and agencies of the City.
•Serve as City Council’s chief advisor, providing complete and objective information, and carrying out Council policies.
•Serve as the Personnel Director with oversight over city personnel programs, working with department heads to respond to personnel concerns and issues as appropriate.
•Ensure that all Federal, State laws and Bethel Municipal Code are understood, enforced and faithfully executed.
•Provide staff support services for City Council as required.
•Resourcefulness, flexibility and adaptability, in a small community setting in rural Alaska.
•Ability to work with local and regional native tribes, agencies and corporations.
•Understanding of ANCSA land laws and its relationship to City operations.
•Ability to make executive decisions and exercise sound business judgment in the best interest of the City.
•Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with the City Council, officials, other governmental and regulatory officials, staff, private and community organizations, developers, contractors, business leaders, employees, and the general public.
•Ability to analyze complex administrative problems, facts, programs, trends, costs and makes sound recommendations and comprehensive reports in oral and written forms.
•Extensive knowledge of federal, state, laws and the ability to enforce those as well as city rules and regulations.
•Ability to evaluate management practices and adopt responsive course of action.
•Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, and to present written and verbal information with clarity and logic.
•Considerable knowledge of governmental budgetary processes and methods of financial administration.
•Considerable knowledge of practices and techniques of municipal management or ability to apply known management practice to a municipal setting.
•Ability to maintain the confidentiality of all activities and management.
Minimum Requirements:
•1 year of responsible experience in the supervision or management of a multi-faceted program.
(There is NO specialized or advanced educational requirement for this position at this time)
More Information:
Submit cover letter of interest, completed and signed original City application form available at www.cityofbethel.org, resume, and three professional references to: James Harris, Director Human Resources, 300 State Highway, P.O. Box 1388, Bethel, AK 99559, email [email protected], phone 907-543-1371. All emailed applications must be followed up with a mailing of the signed original application. (649)(9/2-16)
Kuskokwim Fisheries Partner Biologist
Job Opening: Orutsararmiut Native Council (ONC) is currently accepting applications for a Kuskokwim Fisheries Partner Biologist.
Job Summary: This is not a typical fisheries biologist position. It combines standard research and monitoring with capacity building in pursuit of ensuring sustainability for Alaska Natives’ subsistence way of life. This involves incorporating fisheries management and research with educational efforts in partnership with Tribal, State and Federal management entities; supervising field technicians or college interns; and working with people, schools and communities regarding fisheries programs. It is a unique opportunity to use creative biology, education and communication skills to build on the existing ONC Fisheries Program that has received strong recognition and support over several years. This is a full time multi-year position funded on an annual basis through a cooperative agreement with the Federal Office of Subsistence Management.
Qualifications: Candidates must have the ability to work with people of all ages from small communities in a remote rural environment; clearly show dedication to ensuring sustainability of subsistence fisheries and an understanding of, or demonstrated ability to work with, local Alaska Native cultures. Candidates must have a solid understanding of fisheries and ecological principles; a B.S. or B.A. degree from an accredited college with a major in fisheries or a related field in contemporary anthropology. Additional studies or familiarity with human dimensions and resource management issues in rural Alaska is preferred. Experience working with Tribal organizations is highly desired along with knowledge of Alaska’s subsistence management concerns; grant writing, budget management, and program development skills. Preferred candidates should also have three years of relevant professional work experience (M.S. Degree substitutes for 2 years’ experience); possess good field/outdoor skills; excellent verbal and written communication skills; and be willing to travel to Kuskokwim area villages and regional or statewide meetings. While this position involves working with many diverse groups and agencies, it also requires a great degree of vision, initiative and ability to work independently without direct daily or detailed supervision in order to achieve established program goals.
Salary: $50-65,000 DOE with full-time benefits.
Closing Date: Friday, September 25th or until filled.
To Apply: Send a cover letter and resume/CV to [email protected], fax to (907)543-2639, or mail to arrive by closing date to: P.O. Box 927, Bethel, AK 99559
For more detailed information please contact Janessa Esquible-Hussion, ONC Natural Resource Director Ph: (907) 543-2608 or e-mail [email protected] (392)(9/2-cnx)
Request for Proposals
The Association of Village Council Presidents Regional Housing Authority (AVCP RHA) is accepting written proposals for Janitorial Services for the AVCP RHA Office/Headquarters and Administrative Office located in Bethel, Alaska.
AVCP RHA will receive sealed proposals in duplicate. The proposal as described herein must be submitted no later than Monday, September 14, 2020 at 3:00 PM, Alaska Standard Time, at the office of AVCP RHA, 411 Ptarmigan Street, P.O. Box 767, Bethel, AK 99559.
For a copy of the RFP contact Bosco Hooper, Facilities & Modernization Director at (907) 543-3121. (93)(9/2-9)
Invitation for Quotes
Project Bid Title: Kipnuk Airport (IIK) Maintenance Re-Bid
Project Bid No.: 21-25A-1-021
Estimated Cost: Between $17,000 and $27,000
Bid Opening: 1:30 PM on September 08, 2020
Telephone: (907) 269.0767
TTD: (907) 269.0473
TTY: (800) 770.8973
Copies of the Contract bid documents may be obtained at the Kipnuk Post Office or the M&O Bethel Station Airport Manager’s Office.
Up to date and additional information is available on the web at (http://dot.alaska.gov). Under the Section called Find it Fast!, select DOT&PF Public Notices. Look through the section called Procurement for the Invitation for Quotes. (107)(8/26-9/2)
Project Bid Title: Goodnews Airport (GNU) Maintenance Re-Bid
Project Bid No.: 21-25A-1-019
Estimated Cost: Between $15,000 and $25,000
Bid Opening: 1:30 PM on September 08, 2020
Telephone: (907) 269.0767
TTD: (907) 269.0473
TTY: (800) 770.8973
Copies of the Contract bid documents may be obtained at the Goodnews Bay Post Office or the M&O Bethel Station Airport Manager’s Office.
Up to date and additional information is available on the web at (http://dot.alaska.gov). Under the Section called Find it Fast!, select DOT&PF Public Notices. Look through the section called Procurement for the Invitation for Quotes. (108)(8/26-9/2)
Project Bid Title: Tuntutuliak Airport (A61) Maintenance Re-Bid
Project Bid No.: 21-25A-1-023
Estimated Cost: Between $20,000 and $26,000
Bid Opening: 1:30 PM on September 08, 2020
Telephone: (907) 269.0767
TTD: (907) 269.0473
TTY: (800) 770.8973
Copies of the Contract bid documents may be obtained at the Tuntutuliak Post Office or the M&O Bethel Station Airport Manager’s Office.
Up to date and additional information is available on the web at (http://dot.alaska.gov). Under the Section called Find it Fast!, select DOT&PF Public Notices. Look through the section called Procurement for the Invitation for Quotes. (107)(8/26-9/2)
Request for Statements of Qualifications
Bethel Winter House is Requesting Statements of Qualifications and Pricing Information for CM/GC services for a homeless shelter renovation located in Bethel, Alaska. Contact [email protected] to register and obtain a copy of the RFSQ. Proposal due date: 4pm on September 14, 2020. Estimated value: $700,000 to $2,000,000. Schedule: Must be habitable by Dec 15, 2020. (55)(9/2)
Public Notice
VFW MEMBERSHIP Freedom isn’t free, and millions of Americans have paid the price for the freedom we enjoy today. Since 1899, the Veterans of Foreign Wars has served those who served America. From writing veterans legislation and then leading the fight to get it through Congress, to community projects that benefit all Americans, the VFW is an opportunity for veterans to continue to serve. Contact the VFW Robert V. Lindsey Post #10041 at 543-2241 and ask what you can do for your community. (83)(3/26-cnx)
Tanqik Subdivision Agreement Review
Notice is hereby given that on July 13, 2020 the City of Bethel Planning Office received the Tanqik Subdivision Agreement for review and recommendation by the Planning Commission.
The legal description: Tanqik Subdivision creating lots 1-10 Block 1, Tract A-1, A-2; a subdivision of Tract A, Tsikoyak Subdivision Plat #96-18 situated within Section 12, T. 8 N., R. 72W., Seward Merdian, Alaska contain 11.92 acres more or less.
Land Owner: Walter Larson P.O. Box 132 Bethel, Alaska 99559
Applicant: Tumaq Enterprises, LLC; Box 2814 Bethel, Alaska 99559
Purpose: Tanqik Subdivision Agreement review and recommendation by the Planning Commission
City of Bethel Contact: Ted Meyer, Planning Director, City of Bethel Planning Department. Phone: 907-543-5306, email: [email protected]
Time and Place: The regular scheduled meeting of the City of Bethel Planning Commission, 6:30 pm September 10, 2020, at City Hall, located at 300 Chief Eddie Hoffman Highway in Council Chambers. If you wish to participate via teleconference, the number is 1-800-315-6338 pin: 13871. (167)(9/2-9)
ONC Public Disclosure Notice
The Orutsararmiut Native Council (ONC) will be submitting its 2021 Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act (NAHASDA) Indian Housing Plan (IHP) on or about October 7th, 2020. A Draft copy of the plan is available at the ONC Offices, located at 117 Alex Hately Drive. Comment period deadline is October 2nd, 2020.
If any ONC tribal member, official or other member of the public has comments or questions, they may be directed to Calvin Cockroft, ONC Tribal Housing Administrator, 543-2608. (85)(9/2-23)