by Greg Lincoln
Memorial Day in Bethel was one of the most beautiful days of summer thus far, and families and friends of those who have passed on in service of our country joined the Bethel Veterans of Foreign Wars to honor their memory.
The ceremony was hosted by the Bethel VFW Post 10041 members at the Alaska Territorial Guard Monument Park at the Memorial Cemetery. Members of the VFW Post were gathered and those presenting in the ceremony were standing at attention led by Post Commander Henry Hunter.
Hunter gave the welcoming address followed by a prayer by Chaplain Buck Bukowski. Fr. Rich Magner gave the blessing, praying for the families who lost the 19 in the Uvalde, Texas shootings. Everyone joined him in a moment of silence to grieve for those that were lost.
Sr. Vice Commander David Smart, Jr. Vice Commander Robert Lindsey, Officer of the Day Johnny Guinn, VFW Ladies Auxiliary President Tess Guinn, and Post Commander Henry Hunter each laid a token of remembrance at the ATG Park as part of the ceremony.
Other special guests included Post Trustee Sonny Venes, Service Officer Evan Polty Sr. of Pilot Station, Captain Winter Montgomery of the Air Force Reserve, Post Manager Jim Wyckoff, Flag Bearer Shorty Salzbrun, and Post Member Rick Cunningham who played “Taps” on the trumpet to conclude the ceremony.
Post Commander bid everyone thanks and appreciation for coming to the ceremony. Everyone greeted each other and enjoyed the park setting and the company in the balmy 65 degree weather. We wish everyone a thoughtful Memorial Day in your communities or wherever you may be on this day of remembrance.
Thank you for your service.