The Eskimo Walrus Commission (EWC) is convening a Young Hunters – Walrus Summit in Nome for three days on October 4, 5, and 6, 2022. The goal is to support young hunters as the next generation of informed, engaged representatives who are prepared to provide leadership regarding walrus and marine resources. The summit will include intensive study and discussion of laws, regulations, policies, and co-management practices for marine mammals with particular focus on Pacific walrus.
EWC is seeking a young hunter (ages 18-29) from each of the Eskimo Walrus Commission statewide walrus hunting communities of Utqiagvik, Wainwright, Point Lay, Point Hope, Kivalina, Kotzebue, Shishmaref, Wales, Little Diomede, Brevig Mission, King Island, Nome, Gambell, Savoonga, Unalakleet, Stebbins, Mekoryuk, Kwigillingok, and Manokotak to participate in this first Young Hunters – Walrus Summit.
Apply online via Google Forms: — applications are due August 15, 2022.
This is an opportunity for joining with fellow young hunters in discussions with EWC Commissioners and experienced agency leadership to:
•Develop the next generation of informed, engaged community representatives who are prepared to advocate and provide leadership for Alaska Native interests regarding marine mammal resources
•Strengthen the capacity of EWC communities to participate in marine mammal co-management responsibilities
•Prepare the Eskimo Walrus Commission for effectively responding to the future impacts of environmental changes in the New Arctic
If interested, contact Sierra Smith at (907) 443-4378 or email [email protected].