Donlin Gold originally filed permit applications nine years ago, and through sustained and extensive scientific research, based on a transparent and inclusive process, has consistently demonstrated that the project will comply with the Clean Water Act, the Alaska Water Quality Standards, and other applicable State and Federal laws.
The Clean Water Act 401 Certification was granted in 2018 after a lengthy, thorough, and diligent review of the proposed project development plan and its relationship with the surrounding environment by state and federal agencies. Our scientific work provides expansive new knowledge and protection of aquatic life in Crooked Creek and the Kuskokwim River, as well as the health of the people that rely upon them.
The scientific work done to date, and the continuing collection of data and analysis, will be verified through extensive, open, and transparent monitoring required by State permits. Simply put, we will not operate the project without demonstrated compliance with the State’s water quality standards.
We believe the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) Commissioner’s Decision to uphold the Division of Water’s issuance of the 401 Certificate to Donlin Gold, was the right outcome. We applaud the ADEC for standing up for responsible natural resources development which benefits all Alaskans.