The Anchorage District Attorney’s Office indicted Alphonso Mosley on three counts of Sexual Assault in the First Degree for three different victims. The counts in the indictment stem from conduct in 2012, 2017, and 2019.
Mosley, a 34-year-old Anchorage man, was arraigned on the charges and is being held on $100,000 bail and a court-approved third-party custodian.
At a bail hearing held August 23, 2019, Assistant District Attorney Betsy Bull opposed the defendant’s request to be released on $8,000 bail, emphasizing that Mosley’s release would create a danger to the public and community. Ms. Bull noted that Mosley is alleged to have asked one of the victims to tell police she did not want to press charges.
Mosley was tied to two of the three separate offenses through his DNA, which was taken after his arrest in an unrelated 2018 case under Alaska’s DNA identification law. The law requires DNA samples of those arrested for a felony or crime against a person.
Investigators were able to link Mosley to the unsolved case from 2012 after entering his DNA into CODIS, a DNA index system. The 2017 and 2019 incidents were then connected, through DNA, to the 2012 incident.
According to Deputy Attorney General John Skidmore, sexual assault cases often involve complex issues not limited only to the identification of a suspect, requiring a highly intensive review process and in some cases the need to gather further evidence.
“Before charging a case, the prosecution must have sufficient evidence and be confident the case can be proved to a jury beyond a reasonable doubt,” explained Mr. Skidmore. “Any lower standard could jeopardize the case and the ability to achieve justice for the victims. Although it is not common, there are instances when new evidence comes to light which enables us to move forward on an earlier case where there may not initially have been enough evidence to prosecute.”
The Department of Law encourages anyone who may have additional information on these cases or believes they may have been a victim of this defendant to contact the Anchorage Police Department.
As with all criminal cases, the charges are only allegations, and a defendant is considered innocent until proven guilty.