by James Atsaq Sipary, Sr.
In 2020, the world and United States — we all experienced many people that did not survive COVID-19. The World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, all searched for the answer for the prevention of COVID-19. They discovered the answer and it was a VACCINE for our body to fight COVID-19, to save lives and prevent the disease from spreading.
The vaccine is a new medication for our body and to save the lives of our loved ones. The people that accept the vaccine are well-protected, but the people that reject the vaccine are the ones that risk getting COVID-19. Think about it as a form of working together and caring for others. We are showing our willingness to help others, and our deep love for others, for we all have those who we deeply love.
This vaccine is to help us to return to normal life and to enjoy life with our families and dearly loved ones, as we did before.
When we are not normal with our health, health care can help us to get well again by providing medication for our body or reducing the risk to our body. Our health aides, our PAs, health care providers, RNs, and all who work in health care — their dream is “I can make you well.” Therefore, all medications in our health care pharmacy are to help the health of our people. That includes the vaccine for COVID-19.
Our YK Delta Regional Hospital’s mission is “Our people will be the healthiest people.” Let us all support our health care employees, leaders, managers of health care, all of our stakeholders in the services of our health care, and the future success of our health care.
We are all natives. Have we forgotten who we are and where we all come from? Have we forgotten teachings and directions from our elders’ educations, and teachings that come from time immemorial, for us to hold and pass on to generations to come, which said people who are united will never stumble, but will have success in their journey to the future?
We must not spread myths and talk about things that are not true or that we have created in our mind. This new vaccine is a medication that will help with prevention and elimination of the virus and will help our people return to normal life again.
I am asking all my fellow people, please get your vaccine—for your safety, the safety of others and especially for all our loved ones, before we lose any more to COVID-19. We have shed enough tears. Let’s look at what can be prevented from happening. Let’s all be responsible. Make prevention a top priority.
This second wave of virus is already sky high. A high percentage of those affected are reported to be unvaccinated people. Those who are hospitalized include infants and little children. So, people who refuse the offer of a COVID-19 vaccine — think about it and DON’T REFUSE THE OFFER OF VACCINE. IT IS MEDICATION TO HELP OUR BODY FIGHT THE VIRUS. It will help us to stop the spread of the virus and continue on our journey for our normal life. We can stop the spread but it will have to take all of us to fight and we are not ever to surrender. We will keep fighting to win. Why? For our people and the children.
I, myself, want this nightmare to go away from all of our people, who we dearly love. Every life is precious. Have love in our hearts for those who refuse. Think about it — do not surrender to it. Put on armor to fight for the safety and wellbeing of our people. Be a part of making our people the healthiest people and support the mission, goal, values of our healthcare system. We need to offer support, for without our support they cannot do it, but with our support they can be powerful. Do not surrender but move forward with all your strength.
I am James Atsaq Sipary, Sr. I urge all who want to join, put on your armor and fight to win. We can do it, but it will take everyone’s support and strength.
James Atsaq Sipary, Sr. is a resident of Toksook Bay and a board member for the Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation.