I can imagine how many, many letters of sympathy you may receive honoring John Active in the community life of Bethel.
While I do not reside in Bethel, my travels throughout the Delta since the 70’s and receiving weekly newspaper at that time with articles by John Active would inform my weekly review of the Delta as a 2nd home for me with much love for the land, its peoples and ways of life. I’m very grateful to have had a friendship with John. Special memory is when he joined me in a performance by telling stories at the community center in the recent past. Very grateful to have listened to his stories and felt his very kind ways.
May his spirited ways shine throughout all who knew him and be an inspiration to follow. Very Sincerely yours…
Patricia Bulit
Berkeley, CA
Director for “Their Eyes Have Seen The Old Dances: “Honoring Elder Hooper Bay Dancers and Drummers
Re: Please Support the H.R. 5244 / S. 2628, Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Reservation Reaffirmation Act
Dear Chairman Bishop, Ranking Member Grijalva, Chairman LaMalfa, Ranking Member Gallego, Chairman Hoeven, and Vice Chairman Udall:
On behalf of my Tribe, the Akiak Native Community, I write today to ask that you support H.R. 5244 and S. 2628, the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Reservation Reaffirmation Act, which are now pending in the House Natural Resources Committee – Subcommittee on Indian, Insular, and Alaska Native Affairs, and in the Senate Indian Affairs Committee.
This bipartisan bill is broadly supported in Indian country and is urgently needed in order to ensure that the Mashpee Reservation, located within the Mashpee Tribe’s traditional homelands, is not disestablished due to a technicality.
The Mashpee Reservation was established in accordance with the Indian Reorganization Act and with the strong support of the local community. However, this reservation is now being threatened by litigation that could soon return the Tribe to landlessness – something that the IRA was enacted to prevent. As you know, tribal land allows tribes to protect their cultures, provide public services to their members, and engage in economic development.
By reaffirming the status of the Mashpee Reservation, the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Reservation Reaffirmation Act will ensure that these essential components of self-determination are preserved.
We respectfully request that Congress fulfill its trust responsibility to the Mashpee Tribe by enacting the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Reservation Reaffirmation Act. Thank you for considering this request and for the work you do for Indian country.
Ivan M. Ivan, Chief
Michael Williams, Sr., Tribal Council
Moses Owen, Tribal Council
Sam Jackson II, Tribal Council
Akiak, AK
Calista today is much improved from previous administrations. This is due to board and managers.
But we should remember attempts to silence us shareholders in the past. At a 2012 board meeting in Anchorage, about 20 shareholders wanted to share frustrations that Calista board wasn’t talking to shareholders.
The majority let outside lawyer talk. The majority met without noticing minority. The majority made committee changes in middle of year and removed minority directors.
When shareholders asked to speak the majority directors voted no. The minority directors said yes, let shareholders speak. The majority won 7-4 and refused to allow shareholders to speak.
Quyana to minority that voted for shareholders to speak. Quyana to Margaret Pohjola, George Guy, John Angaiak, Willie Kasayulie for voting yes. All other directors said no. Robert Beans was not yet on the board but I believe he would vote yes.
Ted Sumner
Fairbanks, AK
Shareholders are the last line of defense
The United States is in trillions and trillions dollars worth of debt and money as we know it will be worthless at some time in the future. Yet Donlin Gold with the Calista Corporation want to eliminate and destroy fish and wildlife habitat of the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta only for money proving the Corporation does not care about the subsistence resources of the land.
The shareholder is the last line of defense for the protection of the land, fish and wildlife from Donlin Gold with the Calista Corporation board. The Board of Directors of the Calista Corporation has the ability to reverse the massive destruction of the fish and wildlife and animal habitat which is essential for life on the delta, the Bering Sea, and upriver thru Canada.
If and when the Corporation cannot reverse itself, it is time to place term limits on the Board of Directors to replace the board. The time to act is now. Remember that money cannot be eaten for survival to live on.
Gilbert Keywehak
Mount Pleasant, MI